Title: ORP meter: A solution to contamination of water!
solution to contamination of water!
2ORP Meter
- A solution to contamination of water!
Have you ever heard of ORP meter? If not, well
let me help you understand the same. ORP meter is
a device that helps you to detect bacterial
compounds in water. The water in swimming pool
and Jacuzzi that we enjoy on weekends also has
this device which helps in detecting the purity
of water. Do you really think that swimming pool
will be same and the water will not be
contaminated? Well, it does! Well there are too
many people in the pool, the bacterial functions
ultimately affects the quality of water.
3And thus, every time swimming pool needs to be
under detection to test the quality and
subsequently remove the contaminants from the
water for better use. ORP meter helps in
detecting the range of contaminants which ranges
between -2000 to 2000 mV. As per the value of
ORP, water is used for different purposes. The
following level will help you understand the
application of water as per the ORP level of the
- If ORP level ranges between 0-150, water is of
no practical use - If ORP level ranges between 150-250, water is
used for aquaculture - Water is used as an application in cooling
towers if the ORP level is between 250-350 - Water is used in swimming pools when the ORP
level is between 400-475 - If ORP level is between 450-600, the water can
be used in hot tubs - If ORP level of water is 600, water disinfection
is the best application - Water with ORP level 800 mV is used for
sterilization purpose
5So now when you know what ORP meter is and as per
the level of ORP, how can water is used, so make
sure that you save water from being contaminated.
Water is a natural resource realized under
scarcity form. And these contaminants in water,
it becomes really impossible to deal with natural
resources scarcity.
And if you wish to order ORP meter, you might
want to try online platform where you will find
various platforms that sells this device under
affordable pricing and high quality range. So
order yours today because we have a
responsibility towards natural resources too!
6Address M-95, Connaught Circus,
New Delhi, 110 001 INDIA
Phone No 91 11 23415674, 9810536887
Email countronindia_at_gmail.com