Title: Tips to Keep Commercial Drivers Healthy on the Road
1Tips to keep commercial drivers healthy on the
Commercial truck driving is a difficult job
indeed. After all, this job requires days or
weeks of travelling on an open road which can
really have a toll on health and mind. The
following tips can help to combat the negativity
in the best possible manner. So pay attention as
closely as possible.
3Consider joining a wellness program
Wellness programs are proven to be an effective
method for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They
can really help a lot in providing support to
truck drivers, and can also help to form healthy
habits or reduce the effects of chronic illnesses
(if any). So consider signing up for one. It can
really help you a lot in the long run.
4DO NOT drive for hoursss
Commercial driving is a hectic job indeed.
Driving for hours at a stretch can have a
significant effect on your nerves which can
directly or indirectly affect your driving for
the bad. So consider having constructive breaks
in between to give your senses a boost in the
right direction.
5Plan your meals around driving routes
Meal planning is an effective way to stay on
track with counting calories. A majority of
truckers eat on the run which can really make
planning difficult. Its therefore advisable to
use technologies like GPS to do the perfect meal
planning during the drive. It does help. Note
Avoid consumption of junk food. Healthy snacks
such as hard boiled eggs, veggies, crunchy
fruits, yogurt, and others are more advisable.
6Develop a stable sleep schedule
According to the studies conducted by the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA), sleep deprivation factors into almost
1,550 fatalities and 100,000 vehicle accidents a
year. The human body needs around 7-8 hours of
rest a day to revitalize itself. Make sure you
get that.
7 Socialize to improve mental health
Commercial truck driving can mean days, weeks or
even months away from near and dear ones. Too
much isolation can result in depression and
anxiety, which, in turn can heavily affect
driving skills. The advice, therefore, is to
socialize with friends and family (whenever
theres a window of opportunity) to curb the
feeling of isolation in the best possible manner.
8Keep alcohol at bay
Alcohol numbs the senses and the reaction time of
the driver. Its therefore advisable to keep all
alcoholic beverages at bay at the time of the
drive. A simple practice like that can save a lot
of hassle in the long run.
9Designed and Compiled by Houston
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