Title: Free Online Classifieds for Minor Enterprise Development
Apnee Community provide Local Classified, Free
online classified, free local classified Ads,
Local Classified Ads, Business Classifieds,
Rental classified
2Focus on a few good online classified ad sites
and post the ads regularly only in these sites.
The first page containing ten to fifteen results
from a "Google" search for free online classified
ads indicates they are the most popular sites in
free online classified ad sites.
3Restrict the size of your free online classified
ad to around eighty words. Provide detailed
description of personal items such as cameras,
used cars etc sold by you through your classified
ad. Promotion of items for making a profit should
not be highlighted in a free online classified
ad. Instead,
4 Renew the ad in the online classified ad sites
every couple of days since the latest ads are
placed first in the list. If you don't renew
periodically your ad will be buried somewhere
deep in the jungle of all these free ad resulting
in waste of time and money.
5When you are adding a banner or photo in your
free online classified ad, ensure the dimension
and size of your image files are conforming to
the acceptable limits offered by that particular
site. Otherwise, the images might not be
displayed properly. Promotion of items for making
a profit should not be highlighted in a free
online classified ad.
6762 Green Street , Suite 1R, Iselin, New
Jersey Pin Code 08830 Recovery Phone Number
732-890-4905 Sales_at_apneecommunity.com