Title: Spring in the Air Roses Delivery
1Spring in the Air Luxury Roses
2We are dedicated to the production of fresh cut
roses in Colombia, South America.
3- Our agronomists have over 35 years of experience
in growing only the best quality flowers in the
industry and our roses have received numerous
awards in the main fresh cut flower shows around
the world.
4- Spring in the Air Luxury Roses are carefully
grown and selected in the most ideal natural
conditions for fresh cut flower production found
anywhere in the world.
5Spring in the Air Luxury Roses are carefully
grown and selected in the most ideal natural
conditions for fresh cut flower production found
anywhere in the world.
6- These conditions are a perfect match with our
team of experts that have been given the best
tools and education available in the industry to
produce flowers that are absolutely breathtaking.
7- Our farms are located South America. Colombia, in
particular, is called "The Land of Eternal
Spring" because of it's year-round weather
conditions and temperature which allow for fresh
flowers to grow naturally.
8At Spring in the Air Luxury Roses, we have
harnessed the power of nature and geared it
towards the production of the most beautiful
fresh roses you will ever see.
9(No Transcript)
10For additional information please visit our