Title: Patient Billing - 360 Medical Billing Solutions
1360 Medical Billing Solutions
- 360 Medical Billing Solutions has provided
specialist medical billing and consulting
services to Emergency Physician groups, Urgent
Care Providers, Freestanding Emergency
Departments, and Radiology Practices for
improving their revenue and cash flow.
2Why Choose 360 Medical Billing Solutions
Since 2000, 360 Medical Billing Solutions has
provided medical billing specialist and
consulting services to Emergency Physician
groups, Urgent Care Providers, Freestanding
Emergency Departments, and Radiology Practices
for improving their revenue and cash flow.
Besides reducing stress and billing costs, our
comprehensive physician practice management
education, medical billing consulting and
automation technology streamlines the billing
process for greater efficiency, a reduction in
staffing needs and overall ease in operations.
3ELECTRONIC PROCESSING Paperless electronic
medical billing a highly secure, efficient,
money and storage saving strategy
Few things in todays medical environment are
more overwhelming than dealing with the
never-ending paperwork. Nowhere is this truer
than in the billing industry. The handling and
storage of paper is one of the biggest expenses
incurred by most medical billing services. At
360, we have spent many, many hours and resources
developing paperless electronic medical billing
systems. In turn, we have eliminated much of the
costs associated with this function, which
results in a lower cost to our clients.
4Electronic medical billing software integration
for physician practice management enhances
efficiency, cash flow, revenue and profits
5Hurricane Harvey and the Catastrophic Impact on
Emergency Room Care in Texas
There is no question that the horrific events
from Hurricane Harvey in Texas and the
devastating losses to people, animals and
property is first and foremost on our minds. Our
hearts go out to all of those who have suffered
an insurmountable loss one that we have barely
begun to comprehend and quantify in loss of life,
morbidity and long-range physical, emotional and
economic consequences.
6Come Be Social With Us!
7 Contact Us
Website http//360medicalbillingservices.c
om/ Address 2000 N Classen Blvd.,
Suite 1300, Oklahoma City,
OK 73106 Phone (866) 488-4558