Turner syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment of Turner syndrome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Turner syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment of Turner syndrome


Turner syndrome is a health complication that affects only girls and women when the X chromosome (a sex chromosome) is partially or completely missing. The syndrome can lead to developmental problems like short height, failure to start puberty, infertility, heart problems, learning issues and social behavior problems. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Turner syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment of Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome
Turner syndrome
  • Turner syndrome is a health complication that
    affects only girls and women when the X
    chromosome (a sex chromosome) is partially or
    completely missing. The syndrome can lead to
    developmental problems like short height, failure
    to start puberty, infertility, heart
    problems, learning issues and social behaviour
    problems. Turner syndrome is usually diagnosed
    in prenatal stages, during infancy or in early
    childhood. In some cases, the diagnosis is
    delayed till teen age because of mild signs and
    symptoms of the syndrome.

Causes of Turner syndrome
  • Most people are born with two sex chromosomes. A
    boy gets the X chromosome from his mother and the
    Y chromosome from his father. Similarly, a girl
    gets one X chromosome from each parent. If a girl
    has Turner syndrome, one X chromosome will be
    partially or fully absent. Symptoms of Turner
    syndrome includes 
  • The reason behind the absence of an X chromosome
    may be because of an error in the father's sperm
    or in the mother's egg. This results in every
    cell having only one X chromosome.
  • In certain cases, an error occurs in cell
    division during initial stages of foetal
    development. This results in some cells having
    two copies of the X chromosome. Other cells
    contain only one copy of the X chromosome.

  • Symptoms of Turner syndrome vary indefinitely
    during different stages of a girls
    life Before birth 
  • Excessive fluid collection at the back of the
    neck or unusual fluid collections
  • Heart irregularities
  • Abnormal kidneys
  • At birth or during infancy 
  • Wide neck
  • Small lower jaw
  • Narrow and high roof of the mouth

  • Receding hairline at the back of the head
  • Low-set ears
  • Broad chest and widely spaced nipples
  • Short height, fingers and toes
  • Arms that turn outward at the elbows
  • Narrow, turned upward fingernails and toenails
  • Inflammation of the hands and feet
  • Delayed overall body development
  • In teens, young and old women 
  • Less growth in childhood
  • Short height, about 20 centimeters, less than

  • Normal intelligence with learning disabilities,
    especially concepts
  • Difficulty in understanding other people's
    emotions or reactions
  • Failure to start sexual changes expected
    during puberty
  • Sexual growth that halts during teenage years
  • Early end to the menses not due to pregnancy
  • Inability to conceive a child without fertility

  • Treatment for Turner syndrome involves hormone
    therapies for all girls and women 
  • In most of the cases, girls are
    recommended growth hormone therapy. The objective
    is to increase height as much as possible at
    right times during your daughter's childhood and
    teen years. Growth hormone treatment is given in
    the injection form several times a week. In
    addition, your doctor may recommend an androgen
    called oxandrolone.
  • Most girls with Turner syndrome require estrogen
    and similar hormone therapy to start puberty and
    achieve adult sexual development. Normally,
    Estrogen replacement therapy carries on for life
    until a woman reaches the average age
    of menopause.
  • Its difficult to distinguish the symptoms of
    Turner syndrome from other disorders. See your
    primary care physician if you believe your
    daughter shows signs of Turner syndrome.

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