Title: Artius Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Surgery
2 Hair Transplant Reality
Hair Transplant is the latest trend for men and
women who have hair fall or baldness.
Is it cheap?
worth it?
permanent ?
Find out ahead
3 Cost of an Average Hair Transplant
The cost of an hair transplant usually depends on
the level of baldness of the individual. There
are a several stages before a person goes bald,
depending on the stage the doctor can give you
an exact number
If you would like an approximate amount you can
visit artiuscosmo.com/graft-calculator/
4 Is the Surgery painful?
- Hair transplant is a producer in which the
healthy hair follicles are transplanted to the
bald/balding areas. - The entire surgery is done under the influence of
anesthesia, so the patient doesn't feel any pain,
even after waking up.
5 Can You Unpause Your Life?
You can resume your daily activities after 7-10
days. Fresh out of surgery your follicles are
sensitive and need some time to settle down.
Once they get used to your scalp which is
about 7 days, you can resume light activities.
6 Can You Wear Hats?
All hats are fine as long as they don't touch or
suffocate the transplanted area. Newly
transplanted follicles are like seeds buried in
the soil, they require breathing space.
7Will People Understand that,
I had my Hair Transplanted?
It is more noticeable in individuals who are in
the later stages or have intense hair thinning.
otherwise you're good to go.
8How Long Before i get Luscious Hair
All depends on the donor follicles. If your
donor follicles are weak it might not be how you
9Is it worth it?
Hair is an important part of every individual's
life. Having hair is not only a confidence boost
but also provides your skull with protection.
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