Title: SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study / soc402tutorials.com
1SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study /
2SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  SOC 402 Week 1
Discussion 1 The Changing Structure of Work SOC
402 Week 1 Discussion 2 Evidence-Based Decision
3SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 1 Discussion 1 The Changing
Structure of Work FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  SOC 402 Week 1 DQ
1 The Changing Structure of Work The Changing
Structure of Work. 1st Post Due by Day 3.
According to your textbook, approximately 90 of
laborers in the United States
4SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 1 Discussion 2 Evidence-Based
Decision Making FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Evidence-Based
Decision Making. 1st Post Due by Day 3. As you
have read in the text, sociologists analyze data
gathered in society
5SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 2 Assignment Unions Versus Human
Resources (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers SOC 402 Week 2 Assignment
Unions Versus Human Resources Unions Versus Human
6SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 2 Discussion 1 Reasonable
Accommodations in the Workplace FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Reasonable
Accommodations in the Workplace. 1st Post Due by
Day 3. The Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 (ADA) requires
7SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 2 Discussion 2 Cross-Cultural
Communication in the Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Cross-Cultural
Communication in the Workplace. 1st Post Due by
Day 3. The American workplace can be very
diverse, composed
8SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
 SOC 402 Week 2 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Since the Great
Recession, the number of Americans living below
the poverty line has __________. Which of the
following is a
9SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 3 Discussion 1 Generational Cohesion
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Generational
Cohesion and Conflict. 1st Post Due by Day 3. In
preparation for this discussion, review the
following resources
10SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 3 Discussion 2 Social Media and the
Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.soc402tutor
ials.com  Social Media and the Workplace. 1st
Post Due by Day 3. The use of social media sites
such as Facebook and Twitter is so widespread
11SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 3 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  It is estimated
that about 30 of ___________ War veterans
suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) upon their return to the United States.
Which of the following groups is most likely to be
12SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 4 Discussion 1 Work/Life Balance
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com Â
Work/Life Balance. 1st Post Due by Day 3. In
preparation for this discussion, read the
following articles Work, Family, and Stress
(Clark, 1992) Flexible Work Arrangements (Koch,
13SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 4 Discussion 2 Emotional Labor FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Emoti
onal Labor. 1st Post Due by Day 3. In preparation
for this discussion, review the following
resources Emotional Labor Study
14SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 5 Discussion 1 Ethics in the
Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.soc402tutor
ials.com  Ethics in the Workplace. 1st Post Due
by Day 3. Analyze three of the following ethical
scenarios Lorna is an administrative assistant
in the human resources department. Her good
friend, Bill, is applying
15SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
 SOC 402 Week 5 Discussion 2 Globalization FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Globa
lization. 1st Post Due by Day 3. In preparation
for this discussion, review the following
resources Globalization Easily Explained
Explainity Explainer Video Globalization
16SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 5 Final Paper (Faith-based Decision
Making in Business) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Social Issues and
the Workplace. Due by Day 7. For the Final Paper,
you will choose a social issue affecting the
workplace and working
17SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 5 Final Paper (Whistleblowing) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Socia
l Issues and the Workplace. Due by Day 7. For the
Final Paper, you will choose a social issue
affecting the workplace and working
18SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
SOC 402 Week 5 Final Paper (Women in Leadership)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com Â
Social Issues and the Workplace. Due by Day 7.
For the Final Paper, you will choose a social
issue affecting the workplace and working
19SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study
VISIT www.soc402tutorials.com  Question
1. Question The __________ oversees global
financial markets. Question 2. Question
Creating new positions to be staffed by
existing employees is known as __________.
20SOC 402 TUTORIALS Enthusiastic Study /