Title: ECO 550 STUDY Focus Dreams/eco550study.com
1ECO 550 STUDY Focus Dreams/eco550study.com
2 ECO 550 Final Guide (All Possible Questions)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com Chapter
9Applications of Cost Theory MULTIPLE CHOICE
1. Evidence from empirical studies of short-run c
ost-output relationships lends support to the 2
. The short-run cost function is 3.
Theoretically, in a long-run cost function 4.
Break-even analysis usually assumes all of the fol
lowing except 5. What is another term meaning t
he degree of operating leverage?
3 ECO 550 Midterm Part 1 and 2 (All Possible
Questions) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study
.com Chapter 1Introduction and Goals of the Firm
MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The form of economics most r
elevant to managerial decision-making within the f
irm is2. If one defines incremental cost as the c
hange in total cost resulting from a decision, and
incremental revenue as the change in total revenu
e resulting from a decision, any business decision
is profitable if3. In the shareholder wealth max
imization model, the value of a firm's stock is eq
ual to the present value of all expected future __
__ discounted at the stockholders' required rate o
f return.4. Which of the following statements conc
erning the shareholder wealth maximization model i
s (are) true?
4 ECO 550 Midterm Part 1 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eco550study.com Question 1 Possible
goals of Not-For-Profit (NFP) enterprises include
all of the following EXCEPT Question 2
In the shareholder wealth maximization model, the
value of a firm's stock is equal to the present v
alue of all expected future ____ discounted at the
stockholders' required rate of return. Question
5 ECO 550 Midterm Part 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eco550study.com Question 1 The foreca
sting technique which attempts to forecast short-r
un changes and makes use of economic indicators k
nown as leading, coincident or lagging indicators
is known as Question 2 Consumer expenditure
plans is an example of a forecasting method. Which
of the general categories best described this ex
6 ECO 550 Week 1 DQ 1 Fundamental Economic
Concepts FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.co
m "Fundamental Economic Concepts" Please respond t
o the followingAnswer the following DQs based o
n the Katrinas Candies scenarioFrom the scenari
o for Katrinas Candies, examine the key factors a
ffecting the demand for and the supply of a good i
n general and Katrinas Candies specifically. Dist
inguish between a change in demand and a change in
the quantity demanded (movement along the demand
curve).From the above, indicate the factors that
are responsible for a shift in demand and explain
how the change is effected by these factors.Indi
cate the factors that are responsible for a shift
in supply and explain how the change is affected
by these factors.
7 ECO 550 Week 1 DQ 2 Supply and Demand FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com From the e-Act
ivity, examine the key factors that influence the
supply and demand of the selected good in general
and Katrinas Candies specifically. Propose two (
2) methods in which organizations that provide the
good may utilize this information. Provide a rati
onale for your response.
8 ECO 550 Week 1-11 All DQs FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 Week 1 DQ 1 Fu
ndamental Economic Concepts ECO 550 Week 1 DQ 2 Su
pply and Demand ECO 550 Week 2 DQ 1 Estimating Dem
and ECO 550 Week 2 DQ 2 Estimating Elasticity of D
emand ECO 550 Week 3 DQ 1 Managing in the Global E
conomy ECO 550 Week 3 DQ 2 Outsourcing Offshore EC
O 550 Week 4 DQ 1 Production Economics ECO 550 Wee
k 4 DQ 2 Production Decisions ECO 550 Week 5 DQ 1
Applications of Cost Theory
9ECO 550 Week 2 DQ 1 Estimating Demand FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com "Estimating De
mand" Please respond to the following From the
scenario for Katrinas Candies, examine the proced
ure Herb will use to estimate the demand model dev
eloped in the scenario for Week 1. Determine the
meaning, relevance, and importance for a manager i
nterpreting the regression results.
10 ECO 550 Week 2 DQ 2 Estimating Elasticity of
Demand FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com
From the e-Activity, analyze the elasticity of d
emand for products within the selected industry re
levant to Katrinas Candies. Determine the factor
s involved in making decisions about pricing these
products that you believe to be the most influent
ial. Provide a rationale for your response.
11 ECO 550 Week 3 Assignment 1 Demand Estimation (2
Sets) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com
This Tutorial contains 2 Sets Option 1 Demand
equation QD - 5200 - 42P 20PX 5.2I .20A
.25M (2.002) (17.5) (6.2) (2.5) (0.09)
(0.21) R2 0.55 n 26 F
4.88 Independent variables Q Quantity demande
d of 3-pack units P (in cents) Price of the prod
uct 500 cents per 3-pack unit
12 ECO 550 Week 3 DQ 1 Managing in the Global
Economy FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.c
om "Managing in the Global Economy" Please respond
to the following Answer the following
DQs based on the Katrinas Candies scenario o
From the scenario for Katrinas Candies, assumin
g the absence of quantitative data, determine the
qualitative forecasting techniques that could be u
sed within this scenario. o Now, assume you ha
ve acquired some time series data that would enabl
e you to make short, medium, and long term forecas
ts. Ascertain the quantitative technique that will
provide you with the most accurate forecast. Prov
ide a rationale for your responses
13 ECO 550 Week 3 DQ 2 Outsourcing Offshore FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com "Outsourc
ing Offshore" Please respond to the following
Answer the following DQs on the decision t
o outsource offshore o Aside from maximizing
profits, list the key factors that managers should
consider when deciding whether or not to outsourc
e offshore. Determine the key factors that you bel
ieve to be the most influential. Provide a rationa
le for your response.
14ECO 550 Week 4 DQ 1 Production Economics FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 W
eek 4 DQ 1 "Production Economics" Please respond
to the following From the scenario
for Katrinas Candies, determine the relevant cost
s for the expansion decision, and distinguish betw
een the short run and the long run costs. Recommen
d the key decision-making criteria that Katrinas
Candies should use for expansion decisions in the
short run and in the long run. Provide rationale f
or your response.
15 ECO 550 Week 4 DQ 2 Production Decisions FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 W
eek 4 DQ 2 "Production Decisions" Please respond
to the following From the e-Activity,
recommend whether the company in question should
or should not continue to produce the good or serv
ice. Provide a rationale for your response
16 ECO 550 Week 5 DQ 1 Applications of Cost Theory
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 5
50 Week 5 DQ 1 "Applications of Cost Theory" Ple
ase respond to the following Answer
the following DQs based on the Katrinas Candies s
cenario o From the scenario for Katrinas Can
dies, determine the appropriate type of market str
ucture for the situation in question. Cite at leas
t four (4) defining characteristics that have help
ed you reach this decision regarding the appropria
teness of the chosen structure.
17 ECO 550 Week 5 DQ 2 Cost Management FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 Week 5
DQ 2 "Cost Management" Please respond to the fol
lowing Imagine that you are a manager
of a chemical company. An accident has occurred in
which chemicals leaked into the ground water near
by. The community is unaware of the accident. Com
pare the primary costs involved in cleaning up the
water immediately (and thus confessing) versus h
iding your culpability now and possibly paying mor
e in the future. Predict the impact on profitabili
ty in both situations. Justify your respons
18 ECO 550 Week 6 Assignment 2 Operations Decisions
(2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study
.com This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
Using the regression results and the other computa
tions from Assignment 1, determine the market stru
cture in which the low-calorie food company operat
es.Use the Internet to research two (2) of the l
eading competitors in the low-calorie microwavable
food industry, and take note of their pricing str
ategies, profitability, and their relationships wi
thin the industry (worldwide).
19 ECO 550 Week 6 DQ 1 Market Structures FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 Week 6
Discussion 1 "Market Structures" Please respond
to the following From the scenario,
assuming Katrinas Candies is operating in the mo
nopolistically competitive market structure and fa
ces the following weekly demand and short-run cost
functions VC 20Q0.006665 Q2 with MC20 0.
01333Q and FC 5,000
20 ECO 550 Week 6 DQ 2 Maximizing Revenue FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 Week 6 D
iscussion 2 "Maximizing Revenue" Please respond
to the following From the scenario,
assuming Katrinas Candies is operating in the mon
opolistically competitive market structure and fac
es the following weekly demand and short-run cost
functions VC 20Q0.006665 Q2 with MC20 0.
01333Q and FC 5,000 P 50-0.01Q and MR 50-
21 ECO 550 Week 7 DQ 1 Predicting Price-Setting
Strategies FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study
.com ECO 550 Week 7 Discussion 1 "Predicting P
rice-Setting Strategies" Please respond to the fol
lowing From the scenario for Katrina
s Candies, determine the importance of predicting
the pricing strategies of rival firms in an indus
try characterized by mutual interdependence. Prov
ide a rationale for your response.
22 ECO 550 Week 7 DQ 2 Price-Setting Strategies
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 5
50 Week 7 Discussion 2 "Price-Setting Strategies
" Please respond to the following Exam
ine the common price setting strategies of airline
s that use game theory. Predict the potential effe
cts of such pricing strategies on the demand for s
eats, and conclude the resulting impact on the pr
ofitability of the airlines.
23ECO 550 Week 10 DQ 1 Long-Term Investment FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 W
eek 10 Discussion 1 "Long-Term Investment" Pleas
e respond to the following From the
scenario for Katrinas Candies, suggest one (1) me
thod in which Herb could use a cost-benefit analys
is to argue for or against an expansion. Create t
hree (3) optimal decision rules for Katrinas Cand
ies (e.g., whether to hire more staff or hire temp
orary workers to meet production schedules).
24 ECO 550 Week 10 DQ 2 Cost-Benefit Analysis FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 W
eek 10 Discussion 2 "Cost-Benefit Analysis" Plea
se respond to the following Assess bot
h the short-term and the long-term costs and benef
its of obtaining a graduate degree. Support your
decision to obtain a graduate degree with a cost-b
enefit analysis of your particular situation.
25 ECO 550 Week 11 DQ 1 Transfer It FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 Week 1
1 Discussion 1 "Transfer It" Please respond to t
he following Propose two (2) applicati
ons of the knowledge that you have learned in this
course to your current or a future position. Prov
ide a rationale for your response.
26 ECO 550 Week 11 DQ 2 Best Practices FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eco550study.com ECO 550 Week 1
1 Discussion 2 "Best Practices" Please respond t
o the following Create a list of three
(3) best practices to follow in the field of mana
gerial economics and globalization. Provide a rati
onale for your response.
27ECO 550 STUDY Focus Dreams/eco550study.com