Title: Kids Room Furniture
1Ricci Milan
Kids Room Furniture
2Children Bedroom Furniture Wide range of systems
with flexibility, rich color palette and
exclusive finishes
Flexy box bed with storage compartment
3Kids Room Furniture
Minimal writing desk in thermo structured elm
sand NT
4walk-in wardrobe in open-pore white oak
thermo-structured melamine. Shanghai doors
5The Castello Slide organizes the space on levels,
making the most for the small dimension areas.
6Monopoli wardrobe with bridge and sliding doors
in colour cashmere bookcase with white
7Compositional language in a perfect balance
between design and function.
8(No Transcript)
9Compositional language in a perfect balance
between design and function.
Al Shafar Building, Opposite Volkswagen
Showroom 3rd Interchange, Sheikh Zayed Road
Dubai, United Arab Emirates P.O.Box 75828
Website http//riccimilan.com
Email id Phone info_at_riccimilan.com , 971 4
338 6008