Title: PG In Delhi (Chahal PG and Guest House)
1Chahal PG and Guest House
2 Chahal PG and Guest House is a PG Rooms in
Nangloi, Delhi. We provide affordable PG rooms
including meals for students and working
proffessionals. Rooms are available for boys in
Nangloi, Delhi which is nearest to Mundka,
Peeragarhi and Paschim Vihar. We have 36 rooms
with 26 washrooms, 13 kitchens, 12 drawing room,
and 12 balcony. Amenities Air Conditioner,
Wi-Fi, Parking with lift, LCD TV in all rooms,
Refrigerator, Inverter, connectivity with railway
station and metro station.If you are looking
for flats on rent or pg rooms in Nangloi at very
affordable cost then contact us or reach
us.Address G-77, Gulshan Park, Rohtak Road,
(Near Sonia Hospital) Nangloi,
New Delhi 110041 Contact No. - 09811107945
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