Title: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and Dr. Abha Majumdar
1Sir Ganga Majumdar
Ram Hospital
and Dr. Abha
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has the office of finest
State-of-the - Art Modular Operation Theaters,
State of-the-Art Intensive Care Unit, Dialysis
Unit and superb framework and is overseen by
proficient staff, inhabitants, nursing care and
other strong administrations according to the
standard of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital . The offices
and expert administrations are at standard with
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. It is additionally
repeated that our own particular advisors of Sir
Ganga Ram Hospital give OPD administrations,
perform operations and stretch out proficient
care to the In-patients Dr. Abha Majumdar ivf
cost are very positive and she has been
developing the center of IVF and Human
Reproduction in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital which is
a 675 bed multi-specialty endowed with
ultra-modern technology in India. This hospital
is the only private hospital where one can see
100 bed occupancy due to the reputation it has
gained over the year for its impeccable services.