Title: CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation /cis356rank.com
1CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation
2CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation
CIS 356 Week 3 Assignment 1 DDS, BI, Business
Analytics, and Predictive Analytics FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis356rank.com Assignment 1
DDS, BI, Business Analytics, and Predictive
Analytics Due Week 3 and worth 100 points The
following resources may be helpful when
completing this assignment Subprime Mortgage
Meltdown (http//www.bestwaytoinvest.com/subprime-
3CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation
CIS 356 Week 4 Case Study 1 HP Applies Management
Science Modeling to Optimize Its Supply Chain and
www.cis356rank.com Case Study 1 HP Applies
Management Science Modeling to Optimize Its
Supply Chain and Wins a Major Award Due Week 4
and worth 60 points
4CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation
CIS 356 Week 6 Assignment 2 Attacking Customer
Churn with Text and Web Analytics FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis356rank.com Assignment 2
Attacking Customer Churn with Text and Web
Analytics Due Week 6 and worth 100 points Imagine
that you are a marketing executive at a major
telecommunication company that has been facing
the issue of increased customer churn recently.
You are using traditional analytical methods with
financial and
5CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation
CIS 356 Week 7 Case Study 2 Continental Airlines
Flies High With Its Real-Time Data Warehouse FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis356rank.com Case
Study 2 Continental Airlines Flies High With Its
Real-Time Data Warehouse Due Week 7 and worth 60
points Read the End of Chapter Application Case
entitled, Continental Airlines Flies High With
Its Real-Time Data Warehouse, located on page
369 to 371 of the textbook.
6CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation
CIS 356 Week 8 Case Study 3 CPFR Initiatives at
Ace Hardware and Sears FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cis356rank.com Case Study 3 CPFR
Initiatives at Ace Hardware and Sears Due Week 8
and worth 60 points Read Application Case 10.6
titled, CPFR Initiatives at Ace Hardware and
Sears, located in Chapter 10 of the textbook.
7CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation
CIS 356 Week 9 Case Study 4 Knowledge Management
www.cis356rank.com Case Study 4 Knowledge
Management in Siemens Due Week 9 and worth 60
points Read the End of Chapter Application Case
titled, Siemens Keeps Knowledge Management
Blooming with ShareNet located in Chapter 11 of
the textbook. Write a four to five (4-5) page
paper in which you
8CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation
CIS 356 Week 10 Term Paper 360-Degree View of the
www.cis356rank.com Term Paper 360-Degree View
of the Customer Due Week 10 and worth 160
points Fictitious assumptions and details may be
assumed or created for the completion of this
assignment. Applications cases and examples in
the textbook and elsewhere may be used to support
your discussions and your examples.
9CIS 356 RANK The Secret of Eduation