Title: How To Use Laundry Detergent in Different Ways
1How To Use Laundry Detergent in Different Ways
2This is a guide about keeping your laundry
detergent caps clean. Liquid detergent is
notorious for leaving messy gooey drips on the
outside of the bottle when poured.
3This is a guide about emergency laundry detergent
substitutions. It is frustrating to have just
loaded the washer only to discover you are out of
4- Looking for the best laundry detergent or washing
powder on the market? Read CHOICE's independent
reviews and comparisons on household brands.
5First, determine what kind of detergent is best
for you. Liquid detergents are easy to pour and
work great for spot-cleaning grease stains and
ground-in dirt. While powder detergents are good
for consistent cleaning overall, too much powder
can leave a milky residue on your clothes if not
measured properly.
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