Title: Darling Pumps | Sewage Water Pumps
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2Darling Sewage handling range of pumps consists
of Unclog Series, Vertical Wet Pit Series -
Enviro Pumps Sump Pumps They are Ideal for
Pumping heavily contaminated water with Sand,
various sewage applications Industrial Waste
Effluents, Sludge Removal, Raw Sewage, Slurry,
Pumping Stations, Boiler Room, Chemical Plants,
Underpasses, Lifting Stations, Sewage works, Open
Cast Mines, River Pollution Cleaning, Tanneries,
Govt. ETP STP Plants many more such
3- Domestic Applications
- Colony Settling tanks
- Private Pumping / Sewage Stations
- Dewatering of Heavily contaminated water
- Sewage Pits of Private Buildings / Bungalows
4- Industrial Applications
- Private / Govt. Contractors
- Thermal Plants Electricity Boards
- Cements/ Steel/ Mines/ Paper Industries
- Private Pumping Stations / E.T.P. Plants
5- Commercial Applications
- IT / BPO Centers
- Satellite Townships
- Hospitals Hotels
- Big Commercial Hubs
- Sewage Pits of Buildings / Malls/ Theaters
6- Municipal Applications
- Sewage Disposal
- Sewage Pumping stations
- Effluent Treatment Plants
- Mass Transfer of Sludge