Title: MGT312STUDY Education Specialist / mgt312study.com
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2MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt312study.com MGT 312 Week 1 Organizat
ional Behavior in the Workplace MGT 312 Week 2 Div
ersity and Personality at Work MGT 312 Week 2 Big
Five Personality Types MGT 312 Week 3 Team Assignm
ent Organizational Climate (Google) MGT 312 Week 3
Using Strengths to Increase Motivation MGT 312 W
eek 4 Team Assignment Five Bases of Power MGT 312
Week 4 Individual Assignment Working in Groups and
Teams MGT 312 Week 5 CAREER CONNECTION Socializa
tion and Mentoring MGT 312 Week 5 Organizational
Development and Human Resources
3MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Final Guide 1 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt312study.com 1The interdisciplinary f
ield dedicated to understanding and managing peopl
e at work is called Management dynamics Manageme
nt theory Organizational dynamics Organizational b
ehavior 2The distinction between flexible and fix
ed individual differences Is that managers have
little or no impact on flexible differences Is tha
t managers should hire people based on their attit
udes and emotions Is that managers have little or
no impact on fixed differences Has no practical va
lue for managers
4MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Final Guide 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt312study.com 1 in the ________ of gro
up development, group members try to get to know e
ach other and establish common understanding. 2
Organizational ________ is the study of the many f
actors that have an impact on how people and group
s act, think, feel, and respond to work and organi
zations, and how organizations respond to their en
vironments. 3 The highest level a group can po
ssibly perform at is known as ________. 4 In ____
____, managers establish the rules and reporting r
elationships that allow people to achieve organiza
tional goals. 5 When situational pressures are _
_______, personality is not a good predictor of on
-the-job performance.
5MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Week 1 Organizational Behavior in the
Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt312study.c
om Organizational Behavior in the Workplace Comp
lete the matrix below with 3 to 5 job skills found
in the workplace that could lead to improved job
performance. Write a 350- to 700-word summary of
what you have learned about Organizational Behavio
r from your current readings. Include the followin
g in your summary Explain the connection betwe
en organizational behavior and your selected job s
kills from the matrix. Discuss how these job ski
lls can lead to improved job performance. Explai
n how Organizational Behavior can aid you in decis
ion-making and problem-solving.
6MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Week 2 Big Five Personality Types FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt312study.com Complete t
he What Is My Big Five Personality Profile? self
-assessment. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in w
hich you address the following Do you agree wit
h the results of your assessment? Based on the r
esults of your assessment, what do you see as your
strengths and weaknesses? How might your person
ality type influence your job performance? Format
your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click t
he Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
7MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Week 2 Diversity and Personality at
Work FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt312study.com Y
ou are assigned to work on a team in the workplace
with a person who has a different personality typ
e than you. Connect with your team members who hav
e a different personality than you. Write a 350- t
o 700-word paper in which includes the following
A description of each team members personality
type A description of the advantages of working
with those with differing personality types A di
scussion of the disadvantages of working with thos
e with differing personality types Examples of w
ays organizations can manage a diverse group of em
ployees. Cite 1 to 3 business sources not includin
g the text that support the teams ideas regarding
personality. Format the paper consistent with AP
A guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to su
bmit the assignment.
8MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Week 3 Team Assignment Organizational
Climate (Google) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt312study.com Locate a list of the 100
best companies to work for by using a search engi
ne. Research companies from that list to ensure su
fficient information is available to review the Or
ganizational Behavior environment of that company.
Look for the following key words amplifying effe
ct, pro-social behaviors, positive deviance, consc
ious capitalism. Select one of the companies as a
team. Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of the tea
ms chosen organization and its climate regarding
organizational behavior. Include the following in
your review Does this organization encourage p
ositive Organizational Behavior? If yes, how do
they demonstrate this? If not, what type of Orga
nizational Behavior do they seem to encourage? Pee
r Review The teams will share their findings with
at least one other team in class. The teams will
critically analyze the review to see if the other
team provided adequate evidence to support their c
laims regarding the organizational climate of the
chosen organization.
9MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Week 3 Using Strengths to Increase
Motivation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt312study.
com Complete the What is My Level of PsyCap self
-assessment. Write a 1050- to 1400-word paper in w
hich you include the following Explain why you
agree or disagree with your results. Develop str
ategies to advance your career using your strength
s. How can you use goal-setting to increase moti
vation and improve job performance? How might yo
ur engagement as an employee and job satisfaction
influence job performance? Discuss at least 5 of
the following motivational theories and explain h
ow these can aid in job performance. Extrinsic m
otivation Intrinsic motivation McGregors Theo
ry X and Theory Y Maslows Needs Hierarchy
10MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Week 4 Individual Assignment Working in
Groups and Teams FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt312study.com Complete the Evaluate T
eam Member Effectiveness self-assessment. Write a
700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the
following Do you agree with your results? Ba
sed on your self-assessment, what do you see as yo
ur strengths and weaknesses regarding working on a
team? Have you ever engaged in social loafing w
hile on a team? Why or why not? How does working
effectively on a team give you an advantage in th
e workplace? How do groups normally develop? .
11MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Week 4 Team Assignment Five Bases of
Power FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt312study.com C
reate a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft PowerPoint prese
ntation in which you examine the five bases of pow
er. Include the following A description of each
An example of each as used in the workplace A
n evaluation of which are the most and least desir
able Ways to increase positive power bases Click
the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment
12MGT312STUDY Education Specialist /
MGT 312 Week 5 CAREER CONNECTION Socialization
and Mentoring FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt312stu
dy.com CAREER CONNECTION This assignment builds s
ocialization skills and establishes the importance
of mentoring to aid in career advancement. The te
am has been invited to present at a conference bef
ore top executives of Fortune 500 companies. The t
opic the team is presenting on is How Can Sociali
zation and Mentoring Be Used For Career Advancemen
t? Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation in which you address the following
as they relate to the topic How can socializati
on and mentoring be used to advance a career? Ho
w can socialization and mentoring help minimize re
sistance to change using the contingency approach?
How can socialization and mentoring help people
embrace these changes as a part of career advance
ment? Include Feldmans three-phase model of soc
ialization and the six socialization tactics as pa
rt of the discussion. Cite a minimum of 3 peer-rev
iewed sources other than your textbook.
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MGT 312 Week 5 Organizational Development and
Human Resources FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt312study.com Write a 175- to 350-word
short paper that explains how Human Resource func
tions relate to organizational development. Click
the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment.
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