Title: CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning - snaptutorial.com
1CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 1 Individual Assignment Personal
Thoughts about Tests For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  Write paper
discussing your perceptions, beliefs, and
questions about the assessment process What
thoughts come to mind when you think about
testing and assessment in the counseling
3CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 2 Individual Assignment Finding
Information about Tests For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  Locate reviews of
two different tests Summarize the psychometric
properties of the instruments Provide the
following information for each test name of the
4CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment The Case
of Marisol Paper For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  Interpret the
standard scores on the Reading Total, Written
Language Total, and Math Total. Interpret the
percentile ranks on the Reading Total, Written
Language Total, and Math Total. Interpret the
stanine scores on the Reading Total, Written
Language Total, and Math Total
5CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 2 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  1) Answer the
following multiple-choice questions based on your
readings for this week. A test was
administered to a group of students the morning
after homecoming. Several of the students
appeared tired and some were coughing and
sneezing. These factors may result in what type
of error 2) If the reliability
coefficient of a test is determined to be .27,
what percentage is attributed to random chance or
6CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 2 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  1) Answer the
following multiple-choice questions based on your
readings for this week. A test was
administered to a group of students the morning
after homecoming. Several of the students
appeared tired and some were coughing and
sneezing. These factors may result in what type
of error 2) If the reliability
coefficient of a test is determined to be .27,
what percentage is attributed to random chance or
7CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment
Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory Paper For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com  Describe
and evaluate the norm group. Is it
representative? Is the norm group current? Is the
size of the norm group was large enough? Is the
sample related to the population you intend to
use the test with? Describe and evaluate each
method used to estimate reliability. Does the
reliability evidence support a decision to use
the instrument? Explain. Describe and evaluate
each type of validity evidence. Does the validity
evidence support a decision to use the
instrument? Describe the practical aspects of the
8CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 3 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  1. Spearman defined
intelligence as comprised of 2. How did Vernons
model come to be viewed as a way to reconcile
Spearmans and Thurstons theories? 3. According
to Cattell, a test of verbal comprehension would
draw on _____________, whereas a test involving
memory span and spatial thinking would reflect
____________. 4. A teacher who tailors his or her
educational practices in a way that assesses
multiple types of intelligence, such as
bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, or interpersonal
intelligence, is likely to be influenced by the
theory of
9CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 4 Individual Assignment Projective
Drawings For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com  Using Table 12.6 in your textbook, what
components are present in the human figure
drawing? According to Table12.6, what do these
components mean? Are the interpretations
accurate? Explain. How did you feel while
administering this test? Were you comfortable?
Did the participant appear to be comfortable?
Explain. What are the main advantages of
projective drawings?
10CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Case of
Maria Paper For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com  Describe and interpret each of Marias
subtest standard scores, percentile ranks, and
stanines. What does the confidence interval for
the Word Reading subtest score mean?
11CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 4 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  Answer the following
multiple-choice questions based on your readings
for this week. Â 1. Suzie is a nurse who truly
enjoys helping others. She is often described by
her coworkers as engaging and caring both with
patients and friends. Which of the following is
most likely to be her primary code based on
Hollands theory? a. realistic
12CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 5 Individual Assignment Assessing
Special Populations For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  CCMH 535 Week 5
Individual Assignment Assessing Special
Populations Assessing individuals with mental
disorders and/or disabilities requires specific
knowledge and skills. Â Select a population of
interest to you (for example, individuals with
depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance
abuse disorders, Alzheimers disorder,
individuals with visual impairments, individuals
with hearing impairments, individuals with
cognitive impairments, individuals with
autism-spectrum disorders, etc.) Write a 700-to
1,050-word paper including the following
13CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Case of
Nicholas For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com  Assessment using the Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Interpret the
scores on each validity scale. Use the answers
provided on the first two validity scales as a
format for your answers. Based on the validity
scale scores, do you believe Nicholas MMPI-2
results are valid? Explain. Identify the clinical
scale score(s) that are in the clinical range
and interpret the scores.
14CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 5 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  1. The key function
of clinical assessment is to _________________. Â
2. More than one mental disorder may be listed on
Axis I. Which of the following combinations of
diagnoses are appropriate for Axis I? Â 3. Tom is
a counselor conducting an interview as part of
his clients, Henry, clinical assessment. Tom
asks a list of st
15CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Case of
Gayle For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m  How would you describe Gayles overall level
of intelligence based on the CogAT scores? How
would you describe her overall level of
achievement based on her scores on the WJ III
ACH? How would you interpret the comparison of
Gayles CogAT scores to her WJ III ACH
scores? How would you interpret Gayles scores
SRBCSS on the Creativity and Musical subtests?
16CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
CCMH 535 Week 6 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  Week 6 1.
Answer the following multiple-choice questions
based on your readings for this week. 2.
Which of the following statements about
feedback sessions with parents is TRUE 3.
Sallys parents are upset about her
performance on a battery of tests. The examiner
explains to the parents that tests measure only a
sample of behavior at a particular time, that
scores are not fixed
17CCMH 535 Course Marvelous Learning /
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....