JAVA TRAINING IN CHENNAI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DataScience from beginner level to advanced techniques which is taught by experienced working professionals. With our DataScience Training in Chennai you’ll learn concepts in expert level with practical manner. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Java Training in Chennai
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Java Training in Chennai
  • Remembering how the programming world was in 1995
    is not an easy task. Object-oriented programming,
    for example, was an accepted but rarely practiced
    paradigm, and much of what happened as so-called
    object-oriented programs was little more than a
    renamed C code that used instead of print and
    class in instead of struct. The programs we wrote
    in those days routinely knocked over the kernel
    because of pointer arithmetic errors or out of
    memory due to leaks. The source code can hardly
    be ported between different versions of Unix.
    Running the same binary on different processors
    and operating systems was crazy.

Java Training in Chennai
  • Java has changed all that. While the
    platform-dependent C code, manually assigned,
    will stay with us for the next 20 years, at least
    Java has proven that this was an option, not a
    requirement. For the first time, we started
    writing the actual production code in an
    object-oriented multidata language, collected
    from the trash and we like ... millions of us.
    Languages that came after Java, especially C ,
    had to exclude the new top bar for developer
    productivity that Java established.
  • James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, Patrick Naughton
    and the other Sun's Green Project programmers did
    not invent most of the important technologies
    that Java used generalized. Most of the key
    features that included what was then known as
    Carvalho found their origins elsewhere

Java Training in Chennai
  • A base object class from which all classes
    descend? Chat
  • Strong compile-time static type checking? Ada.
  • Multiple interface, single implementation
    inheritance? Objective C.
  • Online documentation? CWeb
  • Multi-platform virtual machine and byte code with
    just-in-time compilation. Smalltalk again,
    especially the dialect of the Self of the Sun.

Java Training in Chennai
  • Garbage collection? Lisp
  • Primitive types and control structures? DO IT.
  • Double-type system with primitive non-object
    types for performance? C

Java Training in Chennai
  • However, Java itself has pioneered new
    territories. Nothing else, like the marked
    exceptions, is present in any other language,
    sooner or later. Java was also the first language
    to use Unicode in the native string type and the
    source code itself.

Java Training in Chennai
  • But the central strength of Java was that it was
    built to be a practical tool to get the job done.
    He popularized good ideas from earlier languages,
    rearranging them in a format familiar to the
    average C coder, although (as opposed to C and
    Objective-C) Java was not a strict superset of C.
    In fact, it was precisely this will not only add,
    but also eliminate features that make Java much
    simpler and easier to learn than other
    descendants of object-oriented C.

Java Training in Chennai
  • Java did not have (and does not yet have)
    structures, syndicates, typedefs, and header
    files. An object-oriented language not chained by
    a requirement to execute the legacy code did not
    need them. Similarly, Java wisely omitted ideas
    that have been tested and found to be deficient
    in other languages multi-implementation
    inheritance, pointer arithmetic, and operator
    overload more notably. This good taste at the
    beginning means that even 20 years later, Java is
    still relatively free of the warnings "here are
    dragons" that mess up the style guides of their

Java Training in Chennai
  • But the rest of the programming world has not
    stopped. Thousands of programming languages have
    increased since we started programming Java, but
    most never achieved more than a small fraction of
    collective attention before disappearing. What we
    sold in Java were applets, small programs that
    work within web pages that can interact with the
    user and do more than display text, images and
    static shapes. Today, this does not seem like
    much, but remember in 1995, JavaScript and DOM
    did not exist, and an HTML form that spoke with a
    server-side CGI script, written in Perl, was
    state of the art.

Java Training in Chennai
  • The irony is that the applets never worked very
    well. They were completely isolated from the
    content of the page, unable to read or write
    HTML, since JavaScript could eventually do so.
    Security restrictions have prevented applets from
    interacting with the local file system and
    third-party network servers. These restrictions
    have made the applets suitable for little more
    than simple games and animations. Even these
    trivial proofs of concept were hampered by the
    poor performance of the first virtual navigation

Java Training in Chennai
  • And when applet shortcomings were fixed, browsers
    and application developers for the user had
    already outgrown Java. Flash, JavaSc ript and
    more recently HTML5 has captured our attention as
    much more effective platforms for delivering
    dynamic web content that Java promised but failed
    to deliver. Even so, the applets were what
    inspired us to work with Java and what we
    discovered was a clean language that softened
    many of the harshness and weaknesses we struggle
    with in alternatives such as C . The automatic
    garbage charge was worth the ticket price.
  • The Applets may have been overvalued and
    undelivered, but that did not mean that Java was
    not a very good language for other problems.
    Originally designed as a multi-platform client
    library, Java has found real success in server

Java Training in Chennai
  • Servlets, Java Server Pages, and a variety of
    enterprise-centric libraries that have been
    grouped periodically and changed their name into
    a confusing acronym or other real problem solved
    for us and for business. Leaving aside marketing
    flaws, Java has reached a near-standard status in
    IT departments around the world. (Fast What's
    the difference between Java 2 Enterprise Edition
    and Java Platform Enterprise Edition? If you
    guessed J2EE is the successor to JEE, you have
    exactly the opposite.)

Java Training in Chennai
  • Some of these company-focused products were
    alongside alternative fonts and intense,
    inspirational add-ins, such as Spring, Hibernate,
    and Tomcat, but all this relied on Sun's
    foundation. Probably the most important open
    source contribution to Java and art program is
    JUnit. Test-based development (TDD) had already
    been tested with Smalltalk. However, like many
    other innovations in that language, TDD failed to
    get widespread notification and adoption until it
    was available in Java. When Kent Beck and Erich
    Gamma launched JUnit in 2000, TDD has rapidly
    grown from some experimental practice of

Java Training in Chennai
  • some programmers to the standard way of
    developing software in the 21st century. As
    Martin Fowler said, "Never in the field of
    software development were they both due to a few
    lines of code," and those few lines of code were
    written in Java.
  • Twenty years since its inception, Java is no
    longer the beginning disheveled. He has become
    the entrenched incumbent against whom other
    tongues rebel. Lighter languages, such as Ruby
    and Python, have made significant progress in
    Java's territory, especially in the boot
    community, where development speed counts more
    than strength and scale, a compromise that Java
    leveraged at the outset when machine performance
    data the compiled code. Java, of course, does not
    stop. Oracle continues to incorporate well-proven
    technologies from other languages, such as
    generics, autobox, enumerations and, more
    recently, lambda expressions. Many programmers
    have found these ideas in Java. Not all
    programmers know Java, but whether they know it
    or not, all programmers today have been
    influenced by it.

Java Training in Chennai
  • Thank You !!!!!
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