Title: Enantiomers resolution
1BY ...Javed khan Beijing
university of chemica technology
2Table of contents
- Chromatography
- Various types of chromatography
- Classification on the basis of mechanism
- Enantiomers
- Enantiomers Resolution
- Enantiomers Resolution Using HPLc
- Enantiomers resolution using Polymeric type of
chiral stationary phase in HPLC - Enantiomers resolution using Molecular type of
chiral stationary phase in HPLC - Enantiomers resolution By PTrMa
- Enantiomers resolution By Polysaccharide
- Enantiomers resolution By Cellulose derivatives
- Enantiomers resolution By Crown Ether
- Enantiomers resolution By Amylose
4Types of chromatography
5Classification on the basis of mechanism
- Enantiomers are chiral molecules that are mirror
images of one another. Furthermore, the molecules
are non-superimposable on one another. This means
that the molecules cannot be placed on top of one
another and give the same molecule. Chiral
molecules with one or more stereocenters can be
7Enantiomers resolution
- Method Development and Optimization of
Enantioseparations Using Macrocyclic Glycopeptide
Chiral Stationary Phases. - Role of Polysaccharides in Chiral Separations by
Liquid Chromatography and Capillary
Electrophoresis - Chiral Separation by Ligand Exchange
- Countercurrent Chromatography in the Separation
of Enantiomers - Separation of Enantiomers Using Molecularly
Imprinted Polymers - Advances in Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic
Separations. - Less Common Applications of Enantioselective HPLC
Using the SMB Technology in the Pharmaceutical
8Enantiomers resolution using HPLC
- High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC
formerly referred to as high-pressure liquid
chromatography), is a technique in analytical
chemistry used to separate, identify, and
quantify each component in a mixture. It relies
on pumps to pass a pressurized liquid solvent cont
aining the sample mixture through a column filled
with a solid adsorbent material. Each component
in the sample interacts slightly differently with
the adsorbent material, causing different flow
rates for the different components and leading to
the separation of the components as they flow out
the column.
9Enantiomers resolution using Polymeric type of
chiral stationary phase in HPLC
- Well know polymers used in literature as
stationary phase - Poly (meth)acrylamide
- Poly (meth) acrylate
- Polyesterene
- Polymaleimide
- Poly (acetylene)
- Cellulose
- Amylose
- Polyisocyanide
10Resolution of Racemates using Molecular type
Chiral type CSPs in HPLC
11Enantiomer resolution by chromatography Using CSP
DOI 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00317 -
Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 1094-1138
12Enantiomer resolution through PTrMA
- Polymethacrylate is one of the most efficient CSP
used as stationary phase in HPLC and in other
chromatographic techniques, thousands of
racemates have been resolved by using PTrMA, The
first successful preparation of one-handed
helical polymethacrylate, PTrMA, with a nearly
100 isotacticity was achieved by the
helix-senseselective polymerization of an achiral
bulky monomer, TrMA using the complex of
n-butyllithium (n-BuLi) with a chiral ligand,
(-)-sparteine ((-)-Sp), in 1979, - DOI
10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00317 - Chem. Rev.
2016, 116, 1094-1138
13PTrMA Analogous
14Racemates seperated by PTrMA.
15Polysaccharides as CSP in HPLC
- Polysaccharide derivatives have been extensively
used as chromatographic chiral selectors in
chiral stationary phases - (CSPs) for the separation of enantiomers by HPLC.
When coated onto a silica matrix, they represent
nowadays one of the - most popular type of CSPs.
P. Franco et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 906 (2001)
155 170
- Polysaccharide-derived CSPs supported on silica
Okamoto et al. described in 1987 the first
preparation gel are classically prepared by
reaction of the of CSPs in which the
polysaccharide was bonded to polysaccharide with
a benzoyl chloride or a phenyl a
g-aminopropylsilica gelmatrix. The resulting CSPs
are commercially available and can be mainly used
with hydrocarbon/ ability of polysaccharides, in
particular cellulose, alcohol or hydrocarbon/
ether mixtures.
P. Franco et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 906 (2001)
155 170
17Fixation of cellulose on silica gels of different
pore size
Fig. 7. Fixation of 10-undecenoate/
3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamates of cellulose onto
allylsilica gels of different pore size.
Relationship between silica gel pore size (log
scale) and (I) the carbon content on intermediate
allylsilica gels and (II) the amount of cellulose
derivative fixed on the CSP 29
18Racemates resolved by polysacharride
Chemical structures of some of the racemic
compounds used to test the CSPs.
19Chiral recognition of carboxylic acid
functionalized cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylca
- Cellulose is one of the most abundant natural
materials and attracts wide interest due to its
unique physical and chemical properties. Chemical
modification of the hydroxyl groups of the
anhydroglucose unit (AGU) in cellulose leads to
the produc-tion of high value-added advanced
materials, such as membranes, biomimetic
actuators and chiral stationary phases (CSPs) for
20Immobilization of cellulose derivatives onto
silica gel.
Fig. 1. Synthesis (a) and1H NMR spectra (b) of
CDMPC and carboxylic acid functionalized CDMPC
Fig. 2. Scheme of immobilization of CC-Xs onto
mesoporous amine-modified silica gel.
21Structure of Racemates resolved.
Figure 3 Structure of Racemates
Figure 4 SEM pictures of immobilized CC-1.8-18
CSP (left) and coated-type CDMPC CSP (right). The
scale bar represents 10 .
22Racemates resolution with different mobile phases
23Important Racemates Resolved
24Enantiomers resolution Using Crown ether
25Crown ether as stationary phase on Silica.
Structure of a crown ether CSP covalently bonded
to silica gel
26Amylose and its derivatives as CSP
- Amylose is a polysaccharide made of
a-D-glucose units, bonded to each other through
a(1?4) glycosidic bonds It is one of the two
components of starch making up approximately
20-30. The other component is amAmylose is made
up of a(1?4) bound glucose molecules. The carbon
atoms on glucose are numbered, starting at the
aldehyde (CO) carbon, so, in amylose, the
1-carbon on one glucose molecule is linked to the
4-carbon on the next glucose molecule (a(1?4)
bonds). The structural formula of amylose is
pictured at right. The number of repeated glucose
subunits (n) is usually in the range of 300 to
3000, but can be many thousands.
27Immobilization process of amylose derivative onto
silica gel only at the reducing terminal residue.
28Racemates resolved on Amylose and its Derivatives
29Important Racemates resolved