Title: United Kingdom Retail Market Revenue
1UK Retail Sector Future Outlook
2A unique forecasting tool providing dynamic
forecasts and analysis of market demand and price
pressures. This is a summary report covering
total retail, sectors and channels - clothing
footwear, DIY gardening, electricals, furniture
floorcoverings, food grocery, health
beauty, homewares, music video and books. Key
Findings Brief review of economic trends and how
they impact retail, explaining how we believe key
economic metrics will evolve over the next five
years UK Retail Sector Research Forecasts Report
of how overall retail and retail sectors will
fare over the next five years, examining volume,
inflation and overall growth rates Category level
forecasts are provided to fully inform growth
strategies Synopsis
3Verdict forecasts overall UK retail will grow by
16.5 over the next five years, double that of
the previous five (8.0). The improving economy,
consumer confidence and population growth will
all drive higher spending. Home-related sectors
will return to growth and start to take more
share of overall spending as the housing market
improves. Â
4Reasons To Buy How will the economic recovery
impact my retail sector and when? Which retail
sectors will perform the best through 2014-19?
Which sectors should my business focus on? How
will fast will online sales penetration grow over
the next five years? Which sectors will be most
impacted by high unemployment? Will inflation
reach the 2.0 BoE target, and what will happen
as a result? How long will this last, and will it
stimulate a rise in interest rates?
5To know more, Click on the link
below https//www.kenresearch.com/consumer-product
-summary-forecasts-to-2019/4727-95.html Contact
UsKen ResearchAnkur Gupta, Head Marketing
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