Title: Top Reasons to Install Smart Devices in Your Home
1Top Reasons to Install Smart Devices in Your
Home Smart homes are not the future anymore, they
are the present. You can now control and
automate almost any aspect of your home, thanks
to new technology dubbed the Internet of Things
(IoT). In 2015, it is estimated that there were
15 billion IoT connected devices. By 2025 it is
projected that there will be over 75 billion!
What this means for us is that more and more
devices will start to be connected and
ÐoYtrolladle frow the palws of our haYds, ?hether
?e are howe or Yot. If you are lookiYg to
?swarteY up? your home, check the most common
reasons to do so below. Big Energy Savings Smart
homes are especially proficient at reducing
energy usage. Programmable thermostats have been
around for years, but smart thermostats kick it
up a notch. You can easily change your air
conditioning and heat settings thru apps on your
phone. Many smart thermostats offer completely
customizable settings and give you stats on your
usage. Some can even learn your schedule and
what temperatures you use the most. This means
that you can save money on heating and cooling
costs. Another way you can save money with IoT
technology is lighting control. You can get
smart light bulbs that dim to turn off on timers
or thru apps. You can shut your lights even
after you leave your house if you forgot to turn
them off! Safety and Security Smart homes really
prove their worth when they provide you and your
family with the comfort of knowing that your home
and loved ones are safe and secure. Smart
cameras and sensors placed around the home serve
various purposes. Smart smoke, carbon monoxide,
and radon sensors serve their usual purpose with
the added benefit of you being able to monitor
these things remotely, and can tell you exactly
where it detects these harmful gases. They can
even be silenced from your phone, so no more
standing on chairs or using brooms to silence
smoke detectors after you burned dinner! Home
security is also a great asset to help protect
your home and family. Door cameras, exterior,
and interior cameras can be easily accessed from
mobile devices. Door cameras can be set up to
alert you when someone is at your door eeY if
youre Yot howe, or you ÐaY look iY oY the little
oYes sleepiYg iY the widdle of a movie on your
smart TV! Smart locks are also a great addition
to a smart home, and can be connected to your
other devices, so if someone forgets a key they
can be let in remotely. Smart homes can help make
our lives run a little smoother and more securely
thanks to IoT technology. You can make your home
smarter with a bit of researÐh aYd professioYal
iYstallatioY, aYd youll de reaping the benefits
in no time. Article Source http//www.home-furni