Title: David Sklaver - Founder CEO, ConductivMedia
1David Sklaver
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3David Sklaver is the resident of New York and he
belongs to the profession of Marketing. He is
working from a long time in this field as the
senior Marketing manager.
David Sklaver
4His skills and knowledge have profited many
companies where he has worked in past years.
David Sklaver also has the achievement of
founding two well-known companies which are
successfully doing businesses.
David Sklaver
5Other than marketing, David sklaver has many
other skills like strategic planning, Operational
Leadership and Executive and Account Management
Creative Leadership.
David Sklaver
6David Sklaver has the Bachelors degree in
economics from Northeastern University, Boston in
1974. He also had the chance to attend the Boston
University Graduate School of Management.
David Sklaver
7David Sklaver is working as the CEO at
ConductivMedia nowadays. He founded this company
in 2013 and ever since he has been working to
improve the services of this company.
David Sklaver
8He also co-founded another company named Artustry
Partnership in 1995 and worked there for six
years. David Sklaver also worked with DDB
Worldwide as the Director of Client services from
1978 to 1988.
David Sklaver
9After that, he provided his services to Wells
Rich Greene BDDP as the president for six years.
And in 2000 he started working with Upoc Networks
as the CEO and worked there for three years.
David Sklaver