Title: Tips To Jazz Up Your Subway Tiles (863) 655-0164
1Ways to Jazz Up Subway Tiles
Tips to Jazz Up Your Subway Tiles
2Considering using Subway Tiles for your home,
but are worried they will make the rooms look too
stark, boring and industrial? Here are a few tips
to help you give a nice twist to the traditional
subway tile designs.
Get creative instead of following the rule book.
Why restrict yourself while designing your own
home? Let your creative side take over to create
designs that suit your personality and tastes.
3Go ahead create your own patterns.
Experiment with colored tiles.
You need not stick to the traditional brick
pattern that is generally created using subway
tiles. Experiment with different patterns to
give your home a contemporary look.
While subway tiles usually come in neutral
shades, you can always opt for tiles in darker,
bolder hues that compliment your design ideas and
the rest of the rooms decor.
4Add color to your grout as well!
Dare to go bold.
Instead of using the usual, boring grout why not
go for colored grout? You can easily add to the
charm of your tile design by using colored
The smallest change in layout can totally alter
the overall look of a room. Dont hesitate in
using bold colored tiles in your designs to
create a look that suits you.
51 (866) 508-7363