Title: CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.com
1CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 1 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Analyze the
wireshark packet capture file called week1.pcap
in doc sharing. view the packet and produce a
short report including the following
3CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 1 Lab Survey of Forensic Toolkits
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CCS
I 460 Week 1 Lab Survey of Forensic Toolkits
4CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 2 Current Issues in Digital
Forensics For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com CCSI 460 Week 2 Current Issues in Digital
5CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 2 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CCSI 460 Week 2
6CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 2 MD5SUM Hash Value Image Report
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CCS
I 460 Week 2 MD5SUM Hash Value Image Report
7CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 3 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Week 3 homework
Download the picture Doc Sharing called
hidden.jpg. Use md5um to get the hash value of
the file and size.
8CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 3 Lab Report Internet Research
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CCS
I 460 Week 3 Lab Report Internet Research
9CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 4 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Week 4 homework
Analyze the Wireshark packet capture fils called
ftp.pcap in Doc Sharing.View the packets and
produce a short report including the following.
10CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 4 Lab Report Hard Drive Image
Analysis For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Lab Number and Title Lab4 Hard Drive
Image Analysis Summary of Findings
11CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 5 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Week 5 homework
Stalk yourself or a family member. Pretend that
you a cyber stalker and you are going to stalk
12CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 5 Lab Report Bid ridding and
Cyber-Stalking For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CCSI 460 Week 5 Lab
Report Bid ridding and Cyber-Stalking
13CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 6 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Week 6 homework
Mobile Phone Photo Analysis Your client has been
accused of a crime. You have take the clients
phone and acquired the image called client.jpg.
The hash for the files is
14CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 7 Course Project Forensic System
Image Investigation For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CCSI 460 Week 7
Course Project Forensic System Image Investigation
15CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
CCSI 460 Week 7 Homework Honeypot Research For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CCSI
460 Week 7 Homework Honeypot Research
16CCSI 460 course Marvelous Learning/snaptutorial.
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....