Title: BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning / tutorialrank.com
1BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 All Assignments For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BSCOM 260
Week 1 Technical Communication Review BSCOM 260
Week 1 Understanding Technical Communication BSCO
M 260 Week 2 Ethics and Audience in Technical
Writing and Communication
3BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Discussion For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Cultural groups
exist both within and without the country in
which you were born. What cultural groups are you
a member of? How can you ensure that you
consider an audience's cultural background in
your writing?
4BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 1 Technical Communication Review
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Part I Read "Introduction Thinking
Globally, Teaching Locally Understanding the
Changing Nature of Technical Communication in an
Age of Globalization" by Kirk St. Amant in your
Week 1 Electronic Reserve Readings.
5BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 1 Understanding Technical
Communication For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Write a brief 2- to
3-sentence response for each of the following
What are typical kinds of technical
communication? What are the main features of
technical communication? How is good writing a
fundamental element of technical communication?
6BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 2 Ethics and Audience in Technical
Writing and Communication For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Resource
Joanna Briggs Institute database in the
University of Phoenix Library Locate a technical
communication document in the Joanna Briggs
Institute database in the University of Phoenix
library. It is recommended that you search for
Best Practice Information Sheets on a topic of
your choice.
7BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 2 Intercultural Considerations in
Technical Communication For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Respond to
the following scenario You are working in a
corporation with a team whose members are located
in various locations China, the United States,
and India.
8BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 3 Application Letter For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Writ
e an application (cover) letter for a job you are
interested in. The letter should draw from your
professional and student experience. Submit your
application letter as a Microsoft Word document
with appropriate formatting such as shown in the
examples on pp. 394-395 (Ch. 17) of Technical
9BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 3 Final Project Research Summary
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Submit a 350- to 700-word research summary
on your chosen topic for your training due in
Week 5. You must review three or four resources
for this assignment. Include responses to the
following What resources have you reviewed?
10BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 4 Document Design For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Imag
ine you are working for an international
corporation and have been tasked with writing a
best practices 1- to 2-page flyer for posting in
the company's offices around the world. The
subject of the document is on the company's
recycling policy in the breakrooms.
11BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 4 Final Project Organizing for
Readers For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Write an outline of
the training due in Week 5. Your outline should
demonstrate how you have organized your subject
in terms of the number of topics and subtopics
(or steps and supporting steps) for your reader.
You will use the outline when creating your final
12BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
BSCOM 260 Week 5 Final Project Training
Instructions For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Write one objective
for your training. The objective should be
written as a complete sentence and begin with an
action verb, such as in the following example
Apply the format painter to select document
13BSCOM 260 Course Marvelous learning/
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....