Title: Best School in Faridabad (3)
1The Modern School, BPTP, Faridabad
2 Race of Nursery A and KG B
Races afford the opportunity for kids to be
creative while exercising in the great outdoors.
"Outdoor play gives children the opportunity to
run, jump, climb, skip, throw and catch a ball
and use those outdoor voices!"Â
3 Introspection Helps in Self-Contemplation
Introspection helps in self-contemplation,
self-examination and holistic development.
Keeping the same motto in mind the school
conducted a workshop on Self- discipline on
December 16, 2017, for the students of S2 and S3.
The aim of the workshop was to help our students
develop, identify and apply practices that
preserve and enhance the safety and health of
self and various other skills e.g. advocating
honesty, respect tolerance and perseverance which
will further help them to become future-ready
citizens and equip them to be leaders of
4 Church Visit
Fragrance of Christmas celebration can now be
felt strongly in the air. To offer the prayers to
Lord Jesus, our children from Grades Nur to P2
,today went to the Church . They participated in
the morning prayers and sang carols with full
zeal and zest. They felt very happy while being
the part of the celebration. Sisters told them a
short story on why do we celebrate Christmas.
They were given candies by the sisters and all of
them had great fun.
5 Workshop in Astronomy
The second workshop in Astronomy was conducted in
The Modern School, Faridabad on 15th December,
2017 by Space Technology and Education Private
Limited. The workshop was on the topic ABC of
light for the students of Grades P1 and P2 and
the topic for Grades P3, P4 and P5 was The magic
of Light . The students of Grades S1,S2 and S3
learnt about The Science of Light. Various
activities related to the topic were . done which
the students really enjoyed
6 Stage Activity On Sense Oragns
Sense organs play an important role in the human
body. Humans have five senses. Eyes to see,
tongue to taste, nose to smell, ears to hear and
the skin to touch. Today the students of Nursery
took an active part in the stage activity based
on sense organs. Children came with creative
props and spoke few lines with introduction about
our sense organs.
- BPTP, Park Lands Sector 85, Faridabad Haryana
121002 - 91 129-2400300 91 9540028312/13/14
- modern_at_modernschoolfbd.com
- www.modernschoolfbd.com