Title: PSY 475 Education on your terms / tutorialrank.com
1PSY 475 Education on your terms/tutorialrank.com
2PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Entire Course (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com PSY 475 Week 1 Individual
Assignment Introduction to Psychological Testing
Paper (UOP Course) PSY 475 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP
Course) PSY 475 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP Course) PSY 475
Week 2 Team Assignment Psychological Measure
Paper (UOP Course) PSY 475 Week 2 DQ 1 (UOP
3PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com What are the major
categories of tests and give your own example for
each category.
4PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com What are the fundamental
questions to ask about tests and do you believe
that achievement tests successfully answer these
5PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 1 Individual Assignment Introduction
to Psychological Testing Paper (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Write a 700- to 1,050-word
paper in which you summarize the major
assumptions and fundamental questions associated
with psychological testing. Address the
following in your paper Define the term
test. Describe the major categories of tests
and identify the major uses and users of these
tests. Compareand contrast the concept
6PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 2 DQ 1 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Of the different type of
test formats, which one do you prefer and why?
What test format do you find professors use more
and why do you think that they pick this method
over all the others available?
7PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 2 DQ 2 (UOP Course) For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Select
a contemporary issue that is of interest to
8PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 2 Team Assignment Psychological
Measure Paper (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Select in preparation for
this assignment a psychological measure of
depression, such as the Beck Depression Inventory
or Childrens Depression Inventory. Obtain
faculty approval of your selected measure prior
to beginning this assignment.
9PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 3 DQ 1 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Define, compare and
contrast Ability Tests and Achievement Tests.
Give examples of each and discuss situations when
one might be more appropriate than the other.
10PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 3 DQ 2 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Select an occupation and
identify 2-3 Primary Mental Abilities from Table
7.2 in your book that you feel are relevant to
your occupation. Discuss ways that you might
measure these abilities to select employees.
Identify any concerns with reliability and/or
validity you may see.
11PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 3 Individual Assignment Attitude
Survey (UOP Course) For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Selec
t a contemporary issue that is of interest to
you. Create an attitude survey using your
selected issue. Write a 700- to 1,050-word
paper in which you explain the steps you took to
create your survey. Address the following items
in your paper
12PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 4 DQ 1 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Describe current issues
associated with faking within personality tests.
Provide your thoughts on the different approaches
to dealing with faking within personality tests.
13PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 4 DQ 2 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Briefly describe each of
the three major career interest inventories. You
can add to your discussion by discussing
reliability and validity or comparing and
contrasting the inventories.
14PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 4 Team Assignment Measures of
Cognitive Functioning Presentation (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Prepare a 10- to
15-minute oral presentation, accompanied by a 10-
to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
in which you analyze measures of cognitive
functioning. Address the following items in your
15PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 5 DQ 1 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Define Adverse Impact.
Explain how it is calculated. Describe what steps
an organization can take to defend itself under
claims of adverse impact.
16PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 5 DQ 2 (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com List and describe 2 court
cases discussed in Chapter 16. How has this
court case changed our world today? What impact
has it made in how we think and/or do business?
17PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 5 Individual Assignment Issues in
Psychological Testing Worksheet (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit
www.tutorialrank.com Complete the University
Material, Issues in Psychological Testing
Worksheet, located in Week Five of the student
18PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com
PSY 475 Week 5 Team Assignment Measures of
Emotional and BehavioralFunctioning Presentation
(UOP Course) For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Prepare a
10- to 15-minute oral presentation, accompanied
by a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation in which you analyze measures of
emotional and behavioral functioning. Address
the following items in your presentation
19PSY 475 Education on your terms/ tutorialrank.com