Title: How Medicare helps Senior Citizens?
Medicare helps Senior Citizens?
2What Is
Medicare is a medical insurance program provided
by the federal government for American citizens
and other qualifying U.S. residents who are over
the age of 65. The Social Security Administration
funds the program under the Federal
Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) the 1.45
percent that taxpayers pay out of their total
annual wages.
3The Advantages of Medicare
Having a Medicare plan offers several advantages.
The primary benefit of these federally backed
insurance plans is that they often cover a
substantial amount of medical expenses for
the elderly population.
4Understanding Medicare Coverage
Its important to understand that Medicare covers
most costs but not every medical expense. Thats
why some individuals opt for additional coverage
called Medigap policies
Keep in mind that Medigap policies do not pay out
if the patient already has an existing Medicare
Advantage plan. Moreover, there may
be restrictions how many types of prescriptions
drugs covered.
5Finding a Medicare Provider in San Antonio
Finding a provider who accepts Medicare insurance
is simple when you use the right tool and put
best practices in place. Patients should
start finding a Medicare provider by checking
with their insurance provider.
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to schedule an appointment today and take care of
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