Title: Multimedia Language Lab Software For Teachers And Students
1Multimedia Language Lab Software For Teachers And
2The basic idea behind the setting up of the
language lab is to have the right tricks for
imparting the nuances of a particular language to
the students. There is computer based learning
sessions in these labs. To make it interesting
and feasible for the students, language lab
software has to be integrated in the system. With
this kind of software, student teacher
interaction can be improved to a great extent.
Students can use the multimedia language lab
software to get written and voice assistance for
learning different aspects of the language. In
this way, there is a smooth experience for the
students, where the variety in training sessions
also keep them interested. For the teachers also,
the class-room software control system is of
benefit as they can keep watch and follow the
learning of all the candidates.
3Utilising the class-room software control network
for monitoring the progress When the students in
a language lab are going for the learning, they
can use the multimedia language lab software on
their computers. This will allow them to access
different features as per their convenience,
thereby making the learning process simpler as
well as quicker. Many students are getting
attracted by the setting up of such labs, where
the language lab software is utilised as an
integrated system. Since the teachers are able
to monitor the progress of learning through
class-room software control network, they can
provide inputs as necessary. Clarification of
doubts can also be quite simpler when such
software tools are integrated into the terminals.
These features have added to the fun element in
the learning of different languages.