Title: Networking course in janakpuri, New Delhi
1An ISO 90012000 Certified Institute
A-1/17, Opp Metro Pillar No 636 Janakpuri, New
Delhi - 58 9015596280, 9313565406,
9212129290 contactgurmeetkaur_at_gmail.com
2Introduction of Networking
What is a network? The concept of a network is
pretty simple. A couple of computers have some
cables strung between them, and send data back
and forth using electrical signaling over the
cable. More or less the same as telephones do or,
in a very rough sense, like two kids speaking
into tin cans connected by a string. But how
does the data actually get from computer A to
computer B? How does computer A find the physical
location of computer B on the network? If they
communicate with electrical signaling, so the
data is traveling "at the speed of light", why
does it take so long to send a big file across
the network? Gaining a scientific understanding
of the answers to these questions may take years,
but we shall endeavor to crack them open at the
surface, and explore the definition of network in
a way that makes as much sense as two kids
speaking into tin cans connected by a string. In
real life, networks are not simply two cans tied
together by a single string, they are millions
and millions of cans (technically called hosts)
interconnected with many strings. Servers and
Clients In networking there are always two
computers in the connection. The server and the
client. The server listens and waits for clients
to connect to it and the client connects to the
server. To use the above example the server is
the computer that holds the web site and the
client is your web browser. So when you type in
http//www.google.com, your web browser connects
to the server at http//www.google.com and they
start communicating. Protocols A protocol is the
language that computers use to talk to each
other. If two computers want to talk to each
other they need to know the same language. If
they don't know the same language they can't talk
to each other. For example if someone who speaks
Chinese and doesn't know a word of English it
won't be all that easy to communicate with an
English speaking person. It will be nearly
impossible. The protocol used in Web Browsers and
Web Servers is the HTTP protocol.
3Content of Networking Course
- Sharing
- How to Hide Hard Drive in Windows
- Install a Network Printer in Windows 7
- To Enable Disk Quota Limits for a Hard Disk
- Enabling Telnet Client
- Restore Files From a Backup
- 1. Basic Networking Concepts 2.The osi Model's
- Topology
- Network Interface Card
- Introducing Protocol
- Network Cacling and Devices
- Internetworking Hardware Components
- TCP/IP Fundamentals
- Tcp/Ip Addressing and Subnetting
- Name Resolution
- Firewalls and Proxies 12.Firewall Politics
13Types of Firewalls - Troubleshooting Network Connectivity
- Identifying Network Operating Systems Features
- Network Client
- Directory Service
- Accessing and Managing in A Windows Network
- How to use Remote Desktop in Windows 7
- Offline Files
- Map Network Drive
4A-1/17, Opp Metro Pillar No 636 Janakpuri, New
Delhi - 58 9015596280, 9313565406 9212129290 con
tactgurmeetkaur_at_gmail.com contactus_at_balujalabs.com