Title: Statin side effects
1I want to Get Heart Healthy Improve your overall
heart health with our heart health specialists
2Know more about the side effects ofStatin! Like
all medications, statins can cause side effects
too. You should know the benefits and risks of
taking statins before you start taking the
medication. Some of the main side effects of
statins aremuscle, joint, liver and/or
hyperglycemia which increased risk of diabetes.
Some other side-effects are nosebleeds,sore
throat, a runny or blocked nose, headache,
feeling sick, problems with the digestive system,
such as constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion or
3Are you looking for Heart failure treatment?
Discover the reasons and treatments of heart
diseases with us. It caused by damage to the
heart that has developed over time makes it hard
to be cured. But it can be treated, quite often
with strategies to improve symptoms. Successful
treatment depends on your willingness to get
involved in managing this condition, whether
you're the patient or a caregiver.
4Heart Fit Clinic is a well knownCalgarys
premiere cardiac rehabilitation and heart attack
and stroke prevention servicesprovider, know more
about heart failure treatment on our
Unit 235, 10601 Southport Road SWCalgary, AB T2W
3M6 (Northwest of Southcentre Shopping Mall off
Macleod Trail) Phone (403) 870-4348Telephome
1-877-700-4348FAX (403) 278-4333 www.heartfit.ca