Title: eth321 Education on your terms/www.snaptutorial.com
1eth321 Education on your terms /
2eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 All Assignments (2 Set, No Final
Guide) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Papers for
each Assignment ETH 321 Week 1 Individual
Assignment Laws and Ethics Paper (2 Papers) ETH
321 Week 1 DQ ETH 321 Week 2 Assignment Business
Torts and Intellectual Property (Sam, ABC Paper
Corp) ETH 321 Week 2 DQs
3eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 All Assignments (2 Set, With Final Guide)
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- ETH 321 Final Exam Guide (New)
- ETH 321 Week 1 Individual Assignment Laws and
Ethics Paper (2 Papers) - ETH 321 Week 1 DQ
4eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Final Exam Guide (New)
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- 1
- ?Which of the following statements is true of a
grand jury? -
- ?A grand jury has the authority to subpoena
business records relevant to a lawsuit. -
- ?A grand jury determines whether the accused in a
lawsuit is innocent or guilty.
5eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Final Exam Guide
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- Civil enforcement powers regarding federal
antitrust matters belong to _______. -
- the Treasury Department
- the Department of Revenue and Taxation
6eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 1 DQ
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- Why should a company care about Ethics?
- What are some positives of the Common Law?
- What is the deference between Venue and
Jurisdiction? - Give examples of each one.
7eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 1 Individual Assignment Laws and
Ethics Paper (2 Papers) For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers The purpose of this
assignment is to differentiate between law and
ethics, understand how both affect today's
business environment, and identify the importance
of a
8eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 1 Individual Assignment Role and
Functions of Law Paper (2 Papers) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you disc
uss the roles of law and courts in today's busines
s environment. - Differentiate the federal court structure with y
our state's court structure. - Discuss the concept of judicial review.
9eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 1 Knowledge Check
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- 1.
- What has been one of the focus areas of law in the
United States over the past few decades? -
- 2.
- Identify the true statement about the role of law
in the United States.
10eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 2 Assignment Business Torts and
Intellectual Property (Sam, ABC Paper Corp) (2
Papers) -
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Purpose of Assignment
- The purpose of this assignment is to identify the
form of intellectual property outlined, and to
examine the different types of torts committed. - Assignment Steps
11eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 2 DQ 1 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ETH/321 Discussion
Questions Week Two Explain the required
elements for each of the three types of torts
Intentional, Negligence Strict Liability What
are some of the differences between a Paten and a
12eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 2 Individual Assignment Business
Torts And Ethics Paper (2 Papers) For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Papers You own University
Heights Apartments, a business that rents
primarily to students. One evening, your tenant
Sharon is attacked by an intruder who forces the
lock on th
13eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 2 knowledge Check For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1.Identify the true s
tatement about a claim of defamation. 2.Who among
the following is given absolute privi
14eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 2 Team Assignment Torts And Ethics
Presentation (2 PPT) For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com This Tutorial
contains 2 PPT Create an 8- to 10-slide
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which your
team members include the following Summarize the
key points of the Business Torts and Ethics
15eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 3 Assignment Business Forms and
Silent Partnership (2 Papers) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- The purpose of this assignment is to select the
best organizational form, and to discuss ethical
concerns with the business scenario. - Assignment Steps
16eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 3 DQs
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- Does an oral contract have to be in writing to be
enforced? Think Statute of Frauds. -
- What is the penalty for failure to satisfy the
17eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 3 Individual Assignment Business
Forms Worksheet (2 Sheet) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains Sheet on several Form of
Business -
- Complete the Business Forms Worksheet.
18eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 3 knowledge Check
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- 1.
- In which case is an offer irrevocable?
- 2.
- What does the mailbox rule, in the context of comm
on law contracts, state? -
- 3.
- Which of the following meets the consideration req
uirement of contracts? -
19eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Contract
Clause Intellectual Property Drafting Paper (3
Papers) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains Paper on both Options
(Dispute Resolution Clause and IP) -
- Draft a contract clause regarding one of the
following topics
20eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 3 Team Assignment Contract Law and
Ethics Case Study (2 Papers) For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Purpose of Assignment The
purpose of this assignment is to discuss the leg
21eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 4 Assignment Environmental Law and
Ethics (2 Papers) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Purpose of Assignment
- The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the
duties of administrative agencies and the ethics
behind regulatory compliance requirements. - Assignment Steps
22eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 4 Assignment Supreme Court Oral
Argument PowerPoint (2 PPT) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Presentation
- Supreme Court Oral Argument PowerPoint
- Instructions
23eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 4 DQs
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- Discussion Questions Week Four
- Why have the number of Administrative Agencies
grown over the past forty years? What do they do
well? What do they do poorly?
24eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 4 Individual Assignment
Sarbanes-Oxley And Corporate Governance Paper (2
Papers) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Read "Case
15.3 Free Enterprise Fund v. Publi
25eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 4 knowledge Check
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- 1.
- Identify the true statement about administrative a
gencies. -
- 2.
- Which of these demonstrates the adjudication funct
ion of administrative agencies? -
26eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment
Administrative Agencies Presentation (3 PPT) For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com This
Tutorial contains 3 Presentations Visit the
websites of any three state or federal
administrative agencies for example National
Labor Relations Board
27eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 4 Team Assignment Environmental Law
Case Study (2 Papers) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Purpose of Assignment
- The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the
reasons for regulatory agencies and ethical
considerations regarding regulatory compliance.
28eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 5 Assignment Analysis of the Equal
Rights Amendment For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Analysis of the
Equal Rights Amendment Instructions Every year
since 1923, a version of the Equal Rights
Amendment has been introduced in Congress. In
1972, it was passed by Congress, b
29eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 5 Assignment Employment
Classification and Discrimination (New Syllabus)
(2 Papers) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- Purpose of Assignment
- The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the
elements of the different types of employment
relationships and to analyze the ethics behind
potentially discriminatory employment policies.
30eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 5 DQs
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- Discussion Questions Week Five
- What is the Title VII test for religious
discrimination? What is an Undue Burden? -
31eth321 Education on your terms /
ETH 321 Week 5 Individual Assignment
Discrimination And Employment Laws (2
Papers) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Read the
"Sidebar 20.6" in Ch. 20 of the text. Write paper
of 700- to 1,050-words in which you analyze th
32eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 5 Knowledge Check
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- 1.
- What is one of the challenges in business ethics?
- 2.
- What can help managers to overcome the challenge o
f teaching business ethics to employees? -
33eth321 Education on your terms /
- ETH 321 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment
Employment Law Case Brief And Presentation (3
Presenta tion) - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
- This Tutorial contains 3 PPT (each on Case 20.1,
Case 20.2 and Case 21.3) -
- Read "The IRAC method of case study analysis"
found in the Week 5 Electronic Reserve Readings. - Select one legal case from the following list and
discuss the case with your Learning Team.
34eth321 Education on your terms /