Title: AXE Throwing in Winnipeg
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2Axe throwing in Winnipeg is one type of most fun
activity which you can do with friends and can
challenge your friends to an axe-throwing
competition. Our AXE Throwing Winnipeg coaches
will have you throwing different kinds of axes,
long range for your tiebreaking excitement.
Feeling confident with your throw, maybe its
time to learn some trick shots that will make you
the envy of your friends and colleagues.
3Private events axe throwing Winnipeg in the
community is great opportunities for people to
have fun while supporting great causes. There
is no experience necessary and we love to host
events, parties and get together! If you would
like us to be involved in your upcoming private
events axe throwing in Winnipeg, let us know the
details by contacting us at 204 594 8323 and
sharing the details!
4Our axe throwing league in Winnipeg will run for
8 weeks. You will be allowed to have practice
throws and warm up. AXE Throwing Winnipeg
supplies all the axes for axe throwing league
nights. You do not have to purchase or bring an
axe of your own. Those costs are fully taken care
of by our axe throwing league in Winnipeg. For
more information about axe throwing league
Winnipeg, kindly visit our site and call us at
204 594 8323.
Call - 204 594 8323 Mail info_at_axethrowingwinnip
eg.ca www.axethrowingwinnipeg.ca/