Title: Curating A Perfect E-Commerce Store Design
1Curating A Perfect E-Commerce Store Design
2- E-Commerce store designs in India are generally
bland and tasteless. Some believe that keeping
the online - store plain and simple will improve
functionality. This delusion is completely
ungrounded. An online store - website can be stunning and and user friendly at
the same time. BuildaBazaar one of the best
e-commerce - store designers in India. BuildaBazaar
understands that when you create an online store
you are not just - hoping to sell some products or services but
establish a brand. Which is why when you create
an online store - with BuildaBazaar you are actually making sure
that your website provides customers satisfaction
on all - fronts from a great design to stunning visuals to
the perfect user interface. - Every e-commerce business website needs to have
certain qualities but BuildaBazaar goes above and
beyond - to provide you the best e-commerce store design
in India.
3Consistent and Easy To Use Design
- BuildaBazaar theme store Themejungle lets you
choose a theme template and use it throughout
your entire site. - There is no mix and match between designs, it
confuses users. Your navigation, content, and
design should all mesh well together to bring the
right user experience and Themejungle makes
certain of it. - Themejungle also organizes products into
categories and subcategories that make sense thus
allowing users to easily find what they are
looking for and drill down for more products.
4Reliable, Robust Platform
- BuildaBazaar is an incredible e-commerce platform
offered as a hosted platform. Choosing to build
an - online store with BuildaBazaar would mean you
dont have to worry about anything except
managing your - business and collecting profits. The Software as
a Service (SaaS) model ensures you get a robust
and high - performance platform without having to worry
about software upgrades and hardware maintenance. - BuildaBazaar is continuously updating the
platform to create online store with new features
to help you - increase your sales and keep you ahead of the
5Effortless Call To Action
Look at any big brand ecommerce website design
and the call to action (CTA) is obvious, but not
pushy. Notice that the buy buttons are standout
CTAs that tell the user exactly what must be done
to buy the product. If a visitor has enough
interest to search your store, they want to know
what they need to do to get the product to their
front door. Add to Cart, Buy Now, and Get It
Now are three CTAs that tell the user exactly
how to get what they want. BuildaBazaar cleverly
places every action call in a manner that it is
easy to spot and the product display pages (PDP)
also provide every necessary information to users
in a single glance.
6Mobile Responsiveness
- In these fast moving times where people barely
have any time to waste shoppers prefer the
availability and - mobility that tablets and smartphones provide. If
your ecommerce design isnt responsive or
optimized for - mobile, you eliminate thousands of potential
sales and customers. Every website designed by
BuildaBazaar - and Themejungle is completely mobile responsive
no matter what device it is accessed on.
7Effortless Checkout Process
This is obviously an important element of an
ecommerce site and still many overlook this part.
If your website has a poorly implemented checkout
process, none of the previous elements will be of
any use. There are many factors that contribute
to a great checkout experience. The most
important ones are speed, guest checkout option,
easy form filling, progress indicators and
persistent cart summary and BuildaBazaar pays
extreme attention every single one of them.