Title: How to Rekindle your Passion as a Freelancer
3Abolish the internet
Not literally, of course. The internet is both
a boon as well as a bane. How you choose to use
it affects your mood. Do away with unnecessary
distractions from social media and instead focus
on things which motivate you.
4Do a few housekeeping tasks
- When you are feeling low and dont want to do
anything or have lost youre sense of creativity
then try to clean and organize your surroundings
in a systematic way. Getting rid of meaningless
clutter will free up some space. Working in a
spotless environment automatically improves your
5If there is a mental block in your head, try
clearing things up by taking a small break. Visit
a museum or a park because whats better than the
great outdoors? Even as a freelance consultant,
your work will be waiting for you on your desk
when you return.
Take the afternoon off
6Redecorate your space
Are you bored of your dull white walls? Take some
time out to apply a fresh coat of paint. Choose
the colour that inspires you and reinvigorate
your mind. Go one step further and make changes
in your working area if you are bored with your
room. Change can help to refresh your mind.
7Dont force it, but dont give up
When you work you must feel the need to finish
things off as soon as possible. It is never a
good move to overexert yourself the more you
want to become creative, the more it gets
flatter. On the flip side, ensure that you are
meeting your deadlines. When employers post
freelance projects online, they expect
freelancers to get the job done on time.
8GoHyp is an online marketplace that connects
business owners with professionals. The website
is a platform for all professional individuals
to find freelance engineering jobs purely based
on the talent and skill set.
We provide solutions to connect professionals to
potential employers on a need basis. Businesses
can now focus on their core activities and
professionals engaged from goHyP with right
qualifications, experience and skill will be able
to manage the one time requirement.
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