Title: ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning - snaptutorial.com
1ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 1 Chapter 2 Homework For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Chapter 2
Homework 1)A discrete 120 V ac output module is
to be used to control a 230 V dc solenoid valve.
Draw a diagram showing how this could be
accomplished using an interposing relay. 2)Assume
a thermocouple generates a linear voltage of from
20 mV to 50 mV when the temperature changes from
750F to 1250F. How much voltage will be
generated when the temperature of the
thermocouple is at 1000F?
3ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 1 iLab For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com A Control Problem
with Multiple Inputs and Outputs 1.Complete Table
1 below per lab instructions 2.Take a digital
photo of your completed circuit and insert it
below. 3. In a paragraph write your comments on
any wiring issues or challenges that you
encountered. How did you troubleshoot or fix the
problem (if any)? Was there any flickering of the
LEDs when the motor was running or stopped? If
so, how would you fix the problem?
4ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 2 Chapter 4 Homework For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ECET 405
Week 2 Chapter 4 Homework
5ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 2 iLab For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1.Per step 6 of Lab
2 instructions, turn on the power supply and
touch the loose end of the red wire shown in
Figure 7 to input terminals X0, X1, X2, X3, X4,
X5, X6, and X7. Indicate which of LEDs marked X0
to X7 will turn on. 1.Explain why some of the
input LEDs do not turn on as you touch the loose
red wire to some of the input terminals of the
PLC. 2.What needs to be done to enable those LEDs
that did not turn on, to turn on as you touch the
loose end of the red wire to corresponding input
6ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 3 Chapter 7 Homework For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ECET 405
Week 3 Chapter 7 Homework
7ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 3 iLab For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. Once you have
completed step 6 of lab 3, Print Screen your
ladder logic program that contains your last name
on rung 3 and paste it below. 2. Once you have
completed step 12 of lab3, Print-screen the
ladder logic program you created and paste it
below. Then submit the worksheet to week 3
8ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 4 iLab Hardwiring your PLC For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Hardwiri
ng your PLC, Downloading a Program Containing
Timer and Counter Instructions, and Running the
Process 1.Take a digital photo of your circuit
and attach to this worksheet 2. Print a copy of
the ladder logic program from your PC and attach
to this worksheet. 3. Briefly describe the
operation of each rung.
9ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 5 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Chapter 10 - PP
298-300 Chapter 11 - PP 318-321 Chapter 13 PP
10ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 5 iLab Traffic Lights For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com LogixPro
Simulation 1.Copy and paste the ladder logic
program you obtained in step 4 of the lab to this
worksheet. PLC Hardware 2.Take a digital photo
of your PLC wiring and attach to this
worksheet. 3.Print a copy of the ladder logic
program and attach to this worksheet. 4.Briefly
describe the operation of each rung for the
ladder logic shown in step 8.
11ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 6 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Chapter 14 problems
1, 2, and 7 Chapter 15 problem 2 Chapter
14 Problem 1 Give an example of an open-loop
control system. Explain why the system is
open-loop, and identify the controller and final
control element. Problem 2 Give an example of a
closed-loop control system. Explain why the
system is closed-loop, and identify the sensor,
controller, and final control element. Problem 7
Describe the advantage of a 4 to 20mA current
loop as an input signal compared to a 0 to 5 volt
input signal.
12ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 6 iLab Project Design For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ECET 405
Week 6 iLab Project Design
13ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 405 Week 7 iLab Project Design II For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com 1.Fill in
the values for voltages applied to the motor and
corresponding speeds from steps 6 and 7 in Table
1. 4.Write a brief report on the functionality of
your system. Describe any troubleshooting or
challenges you experienced during the lab.
14ECET 405 Course Marvelous Learning -
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....