Title: ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning - snaptutorial.com
1ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECH 514 Week 1 Individual Assignment Terminology
for Special Populations For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECH 514 Week 1
Individual Assignment Terminology for Special
3ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECH 514 Week 2 Individual Assignment Adapted
Lesson Plan For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com Using a lesson plan from a previous
course, adapt the lesson for use with special
needs students. Teach the lesson to the
student(s) and write a 350-700 word summary of
the teaching of the adapted lesson. Include the
lesson and the summary.
4ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECH 514 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Law Paper
Presentation For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Write a 700- to
1,050-word summary on the law assigned to your
team. Explain how that law affects special
populations in early childhood education,
including the description, history, and
implications for classroom management and
instruction in early childhood education.
Conduct additional research, as needed. Format
your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Prepare a 15-minute Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation, representing the laws key elements
and its effect on current early childhood
5ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECH 514 Week 3 Individual Assignment E-Portfolio
Interview Summary Paper For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECH 514 Week 3
Individual Assignment E-Portfolio Interview
Summary Paper
6ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECH 514 Week 4 Individual Assignment Assessment
Description Report and Presentation For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Assessment
Description Report Become familiar with the types
of informal evaluation instruments that exist in
an early childhood setting and select an
assessment tool to review. The Assessment
Description Report must be written in an outline
format so the instructor may ask questions that
can be answered with or without access to the
test. Classroom students must prepare a 5- to
10-minute presentation that demonstrates the
selected informal assessment tools use. Directed
Study and online students must prepare a 5- to
7-slide Microsoft PowerPointpresentation that
synthesizes their analyses and provides an
overview of the assessment tool.
7ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECH 514 Week 4 Individual Assignment
Instructional and Management Plan For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ECH 514 Week
4 Individual Assignment Instructional and
Management Plan
8ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECH 514 Week 4 Individual Assignment Observation
and Interview Paper For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECH 514 Week 4
Individual Assignment Observation and Interview
9ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECH 514 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Adapted
Lesson Plan and Reflection Paper For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ECH 514 Week
4 Learning Team Assignment Adapted Lesson Plan
and Reflection Paper
10ECH 514 Course Marvelous Learning -
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....