Title: Leptin Teatox Morning Boost 28 to suppress appetite
1- Leptin Teatox Morning Boost 28
2Leptin Teatox Morning Boost 28
Our Morning Boost tea has been specially
formulated to boost energy, suppress appetite and
increase metabolism. It works to help you
achieve your health goals. It can be consumed
every morning as a substitute for coffee. Try it
with our Night Cleanse tea for the perfect Detox
program. Enjoy it! https//smart-senses.com/en/sh
Only in AED132.00
3Leptin Teatox may help you
Supports a balanced appetite - Suppress appetite
-Improve quality of sleep - Cleanse detoxify -
Metabolism boosting - Energy boosting - Fight fat
accumulation Comes in a Pyramid Teabags form for
easy use. Ingredients Green Tea, Yerbamate
Leaf, Lime Leaf, Lotus Leaf, Dandelion Leaf,
Rhubarb Root, Goji Berries Direction Enjoy one
cup of Leptin Teatox every morning before
breakfast to feel invigo rated for your day. Add
1 Teabag into a cup and let it steep in near
boiling water for 35 minutes. You can add lime,
honey or lemon Depending on your taste.
4Contact Details
Address Details Al Toot Foodstuff Trading P.O.
Box - 5451, Ajman UAE Number Mobile 44
7507550542 Email sales_at_smart-senses.com
support_at_smart-senses.com Website https//smart-se