Title: FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning - snaptutorial.com
1FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 1 Purpose of Auditing, Other
Assurance Services, and Accounting For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Purpose of
Auditing, Other Assurance Services, and
Accounting Write a paper of no more than 700
words describing and stating the purpose of
auditing, other assurance services, and
accounting. State the relationships between the
three and provide examples. Why are independent
audit services important in today's business
world? Format your paper consistent with APA
guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment.
3FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 2 Regulatory and Oversight of
Corporate Financial Reporting For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Regulatory and
Oversight of Corporate Financial
Reporting Regulatory and Oversight of Corporate
Financial Reporting Review the website for the
Federal Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
(http//www.sec.gov/). Write a paper of no more
than 1,400 words describing the mission of the
SEC and how it accomplishes its mission. Briefly
describe at least six laws that govern the
securities industry. Include the following within
the six you select
4FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 2 Types of Audits For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Types of
Audits Complete the University of Phoenix
Material Types of Audits. Click the Assignment
Files tab to submit your assignment.
5FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 3 Case Study 1 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com FIN 590 Week 3 Case
Study 1
6FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 3 Ethics and Impact of Enron For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Ethics
and Impact of Enron Research on the Internet and
the University Library to learn more about the
Enron case. For example, considerthe book, Pipe
Dreams Greed, Ego, and the Death of
Enron located in Skillsoft by searching by the
book title. To locate Skillsoft, click on
the Library tab. Scroll down to Skillsoft. Click
on Skillsoft Enter the title of the book into the
Search box.
7FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 3 Types and Components of Audits
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Typ
es and Components of Audits Complete the
University Material Types and Components of
Audits. Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment.
8FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 4 Analytical Procedures and Audit
Planning For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Analytical Procedures and Audit
Planning Analytical Procedures and Audit
Planning Review the corporate annual report and
the financial statements for Hillsburg Hardware
found after p.172 (Ch.6) in your text. Review the
analytical procedures presented and illustrated
for Hillsburg in pp. 224-232. Write a paper of no
more than 1,050 words to accomplish the following
9FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 4 Audits of Financial Statements
Compared to Audits of Internal Controls For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Audits
of Financial Statements Compared to Audits of
Internal Controls Complete the University
Material Audits of Financial Statements Compared
to Audits of Internal Controls. Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
10FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 5 Internal Controls For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Title Intern
al Controls Select a Fortune 500 company and
locate its most current Annual Report. Find the
table of contents for the Annual Report and read
the following Management's Assessment of
Internal Control over Financial Reporting
11FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 6 Case Study 2 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com FIN 590 Week 6 Case
Study 2
12FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 6 Fraud at Enron Materiality, Risk,
Failure of Internal, Operational, and Government
Auditing Presentation For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Fraud at Enron
Materiality, Risk, Failure of Internal,
Operational, and Government Auditing
Presentation Reflect on Enron in the context of
this course. Create a Microsoft PowerPointpresen
tation of no more than 12 slides with speaker
notes describing the type of fraud perpetrated at
Enron and the impact to stockholders, creditors,
customers, employees, the economy, and the
country as a whole.
13FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
FIN 590 Week 6 Fraud, Internal Controls, and
Technology For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com Fraud, Internal Controls, and
Technology Write a paper of no more than 1,050
words describing the two types of fraud, reasons
why fraud occurs, and how internal controls,
technology, and auditing can help deter and
detect fraud. Provide two examples of
technology and internal controls. Format your
paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
14FIN 590 Course Marvelous Learning -
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....