Title: Unleashed Dance Company – Calgary’s go-to Dance School
1Unleashed Dance Company Calgarys go-to Dance
2About us
Unleashed Dance Company wants you to unleash your
soul on the dance floor every chance you get.
Dance is an expression of the soul and should
never be restrained by expectation, judgement, or
discomfort. Whether you are looking to improve
your performance ability, increase your enjoyment
on the social dance floor, Unleashed Dance
Company has what you have been seeking.
3Reason to choose Unleashed
- Classes for adults children
- Highly qualified instructors
- Centrally located dance studio
- Group classes and private lessons available
- Beginner and social dance instruction
4Calgarys go-to Dance School
- Classes aim to provide high quality information
allowing students to grow in their ability
quickly while learning in an environment that
allows for self-discovery rather than solely
pattern work. - Do you have questions or inquiries about the
dance classes, registration or schedule at
Unleashed Dance Company? Please feel free to
contact us today!
5Contact Us
Calgary Ballroom Country Dance Club 121c, 17th
Avenue NE. Calgary, Alberta T2E 1L7 Phone (403)
Edmonton Coral de Cuba 4990 92 Avenue Edmonton,
Alberta T6B 2W1 Phone (403) 606-1254
Website https//www.unleasheddancecompany.com