Title: Grooming Classes in Pune
Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
2What Is Grooming?
- Grooming is important for a positive self-image
and to encourage and assist the resident to
maintain a pleasing and attractive appearance. - It is the process of making yourself look neat
and attractive. The things which you do to make
yourself and your appearance tidy and pleasant. - It is the theme of our professional personality
Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
3What Is In It For Me?
- You will
- Look attractive and presentable
- Feel confident Be professional
- Know ways and means of making a positive
impression - Impress others - co-workers and clients
Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
- People Perceptions from Groomed appearance of
Professionals - - Professionalism
- Level of sophistication
- Intelligence
- Credibility or Reliability
- Respect
Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
5Personal Grooming
- Overall Cleanliness Hair.
- Nails.
- Teeth.
- Uniform/attire
- Make-up
- Check fragrance and clothing care
Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
6Dress and Grooming
- You need a sense of the style of the organization
- Some are informal
- Some are very formal
- Some orient on a particular national culture
- Dress appropriate for the situation and
organization - Styles and colors need to be sober and elegant
Shirts can be plain colors, pinstripes, small
checks. - No T -shirts Loud flashy colors, large prints,
wide checks, Thick stripes
Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
- A neat and clean uniform/ clothes at all times.
- Your uniform talks a lot about your organization.
- First impressions are made within the first 5
minutes of meeting someone - A neat clean and well ironed uniform is
acceptable and appreciated by one and all at all
times. - Your Id-Tags are also an important part of your
uniform .
Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
- Shoes
- Polished, comfortable
- Socks/Hose
- Do not be without them
- Belts
- If have belt loops, wear a belt
- Jewelry
- Minimal
- Purse or Attaché Case
- Light perfume or cologne
Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
9Thank You.
- Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com