Title: mpbse class 10 result
- Hypertext markup language
2What is HTML ??
- HTML Stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
- HTML is a set of codes that a website author
inserts into a plain text file to format the
content. - HTML is the skeleton of webpages and is used to
define the structure of a particular webpage. - HTML tags are rendered as a content position
token by the internet browsers. - HTML Tags are used to add text, image, tables,
etc to a webpage.
3Getting Started With HTML
Web documents contain three main sections the
head, title, and body. The head includes the
webpages identifying information, including the
websites title and important keywords. The
viewer sees the sites title, but any other
information is hidden. The sites title appears
in the browsers tab and is what appears when a
user tries to bookmark a site. The body section
is the main portion of the webpage visible to the
viewer, including the text and graphics. HTML
tags are also used in two additional ways that
are not visible to the viewer as meta tags and
comments. Meta tags indicate keywords associated
with the webpage to search engines. Comments are
intended as explanation or additional information
for other writers or readers of HTML code
4First HTML Program
Document Type Declaration Tag
lt!DOCTYPE htmlgt lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegt My First
Program lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lth1gtSaylt/h1gt ltpgtHe
llo Worldlt/pgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt Output- Say Hello
Head Part of the Document
Body Part of the Document (Content Written In
this part is visible on the main webpage
5- The lt!DOCTYPE htmlgt declaration defines this
document to be HTML5 - The lthtmlgt element is the root element of an HTML
page - The ltheadgt element contains meta information
about the document - The lttitlegt element specifies a title for the
document - The ltbodygt element contains the visible page
content - The lth1gt element defines a large heading
- The ltpgt element defines a paragraph
6HTML Editors
Web pages can be created and modified by using
professional HTML editors. However, for learning
HTML we recommend a simple text editor like
Notepad (PC) or TextEdit (Mac).We believe using a
simple text editor is a good way to learn
HTML.Follow the four steps below to create your
first web page with Notepad or TextEdit.
7- HTML Tags
- HTML tags are element names surrounded by angle
brackets - lttagnamegtcontent goes here...lt/tagnamegt
- HTML tags normally come in pairs like ltpgt and lt/pgt
- The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the
second tag is the end tag - The end tag is written like the start tag, but
with a forward slash inserted before the tag name