Title: CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success / cmgt578guide.com
1CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /
2CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /
www.cmgt578guide.com CMGT 578 Week 1 Strategic
Approaches for Sustaining Competitive Advantage
Executive Summary (600 Words) CMGT 578 Week 2 IT
Current Assessment Presentation CMGT 578 Week 3
IT Outsourcing CMGT 578 Week 4 Short and Long
Term Strategies CMGT 578 Week 5 Individual
Challenges for Integrating Systems CMGT 578 Week
6 IT Innovation Proposal
3CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /
CMGT 578 Week 1 Strategic Approaches for
Sustaining Competitive Advantage Executive
Summary (600 Words) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cmgt578guide.com CMGT 578 Week 1 Strategic
Approaches for Sustaining Competitive Advantage
Executive Summary
4CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /
CMGT 578 Week 2 IT Current Assessment
www.cmgt578guide.com Create a 5-slide
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, with speaker
notes, proposing a Current Status Assessment for
an IT organization. This can be the IT
organization where you are currently employed or
a fictional organization. Your target audience
will be the company's senior management team.
5CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /
CMGT 578 Week 3 IT Outsourcing FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cmgt578guide.com week 3 Create a
3-page paper analyzing outsourcing as a key
element of IT operations for the company you
chose to analyze in Week Two. Discuss the pros
and cons of outsourcing including outsourcing IT
operations to international sources as a
strategy. Use at least two peer-reviewed
references in your research
6CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /
CMGT 578 Week 4 Short and Long Term Strategies
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cmgt578guide.com
week 4 Consider short- and long-term IT
strategies for the company you selected in Week
Two. Create a 2-page Executive Summary proposing
short- and long-term IT strategies for the
company including IT strategy and company
strategy alignment. Develop a rough proposed
budget in Microsoft Excel for the short- and
long-term strategies you proposed. Include
numbers for any proposed implementations, such as
hardware and software upgrades, cloud
implementations, and personnel additions or
7CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /
CMGT 578 Week 5 Individual Challenges for
Integrating Systems FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cmgt578guide.com week 5Consider the
following scenario As part of your analysis for
the company you chose in Week Two, analyze the
companys ability to expand by acquisition.
Specifically, address the challenges faced by IT
in merging and consolidating systems and
personnel if the company made an acquisition of a
similar sized or slightly smaller company.
8CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /
CMGT 578 Week 6 IT Innovation Proposal FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cmgt578guide.com Week 6
Create a 3-page Executive Summary of the IT
analysis youve performed on the company you
chose to analyze in Week Two. Include the results
of your analysis and recommendations for a
strategic path forward.
9CMGT 578 GUIDE Extraordinary Success /