Title: Anthony Barraco- Loves his Father very much
1Anthony Barraco
- Known For his noble cause.
- Donates 50,000 to the ALS Association.
2Have you ever heard of any disease known as
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?
It is a rare neurological disease that includes
nerve cells which are actually responsible for
controlling voluntary muscle movement. Chewing,
walking and talking are movements produced by
Voluntary muscles.
3The problem or challenge
- This disease is actually deadly and progressive.
That means that the symptoms can get worse with
time. Currently the research towards cure for
this disease is in process.
4 Anthony Barracos father has had ASL since 2017,
so in regards to this, he donated the money. This
disease has given pain and suffering to many
families in America.
- In past few years, researchers have learned a
great deal about ALS. Anthony Barraco further
says, Because of donations and tissue donors,
people like my father can hopefully benefit from
these efforts of researchers and cure.
- He is even researching a lot about this disease.
During his childhood, Anthony had interest in
medicals, but life took him to some other
7 Hobbies
Anthony Barraco often like to do some
ice-skating. He also like to read fiction novels
and he is even planning to write one. Cooking
with his wife is his favorite hobby and they even
love to go out on dinner.
8There was a survey claiming that over 6,000
people in the U.S. become diagnosed with ALS each
year. That comes out to 15 new cases each day.
Also, it has become estimated there are more than
20,000 Americans have the disease at any given
9Anthony Barraco has even motivated other donors
to donate more and more to the association and
because of this researchers are getting closer to
the cure every day.
10- Achievements
- Anthony Barraco donated 50,000 to ALS
association because he wants researchers to
continue their research and find the cure for the
disease soon.