Title: WordPress Website Security Tips:
1How to Protect WordPress Websites from Keylogger
WordPress is perhaps one of the most popular
free, open source content management systems
(CMS) Now, lets look at the other side of the
picture whatever is popular on the internet is
likely to be targeted by cyber criminals as well.
3Keylogger Malware
Keylogger, as most of us know now, is a malware
that records keystrokes and thereby gains
unauthorized access to all kinds of personal
data. This could include email passwords,
confidential data sent over email or chats,
login credentials of bank accounts, credit card
data etc.
4How to Combat Keylogger Malware Infection on
WordPress Sites?
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There are two aspects of protecting a WordPress
website against Keylogger malware. On the one
side there are things that need to be done to
protect it from getting infected and on the
other, there are things that need to be done in
case a WordPress website gets infected.
5Lets take a look at some of the key measures to
be adapted to prevent infection and also to
repair infected WordPress websites
To protect a WordPress website from getting
infected, you should always create and use
secure, strong passwords.
Should take care to install only highly reviewed
plugins that come from verified sources, like
WordPress Security Follow these things Steps
Need to be kept in mind.
6Website Security Follow these things Steps
Need to be kept in mind.
- The most important thing that needs to be done is
to remove the malicious code from the WordPress
themes function.php file, scan the wp_posts
table for potential injections and then replace
all WordPress passwords. - All third-party themes, plugins, and other server
software should be updated. - It should also be remembered that when there are
many websites created on one hosting account.
7Hope this information is protecting a WordPress
website from Keylogger malware
8Thank You