Oracle RAC Training in Chennai - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oracle RAC Training in Chennai


Greens Technology is the best Oracle RAC Training with 100% Placement Institute in Adyar Chennai. We offering Oracle RAC Training online, placement, corporate Training around the Chennai. Our syllabus is revised monthly once by our trainers. We provide weekday, Weekend and Fast track classes in low course fees – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: abiramimaya


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Oracle RAC Training in Chennai

  • RAC Database there is remote reserve so case
    should look not just in neighborhood (store
    nearby to occurrence) however on remote reserve
    (store on remote case). On the off chance that
    reserve is accessible in neighborhood store then
    it should return information obstruct from nearby
    store if information square isn't in
    neighborhood store, rather than going to circle
    it should first go to remote reserve (remote
    occasion) to check if piece is accessible in
    neighborhood reserve (by means of interconnect)
  • This is on account of getting to information
    hinder from remote reserve is quicker than
    getting to it from plate.

  • Prophet Database gives the accompanying record
    stockpiling choices for Oracle RAC
  • 1.Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
  • 2.This is the prescribed answer for deal with
    your plate.
  • 3.OCFS2 and Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS)
  • 4.CFS2 is accessible for Linux and OCFS is
    accessible for Windows stages.
  • In any case you may alternatively utilize an
    outsider bunch document framework or group
    mindful volume chief that is guaranteed for
    Oracle RAC.
  • 5.A system document framework
  • 6.Raw gadgets

Oracle Database Using Services and VIP Addresses
  • All hubs in an Oracle RAC condition must
    associate with a Local Area Network (LAN) to
    empower clients and applications to get to the
    database. Applications should utilize the Oracle
    Database administrations highlight to associate
    with an Oracle database. Administrations empower
    you to characterize tenets and qualities to
    control how clients and applications interface
    with database examples. These attributes
    incorporate a special name, workload adjusting
    and failover choices, and high accessibility
    qualities. Prophet Net Services empower the heap
    adjusting of utilization associations over the
    majority of the occasions in an Oracle RAC

Clusters Software Components
  • Prophet RAC databases have at least two database
    examples that each contain memory structures and
    foundation forms. An Oracle RAC database has
    similar procedures and memory structures as a
    solitary occasion Oracle database and in addition
    extra process and memory structures that are
    particular to Oracle RAC. Any one case's database
    see is almost indistinguishable to some other
    case's view in a similar Oracle RAC database the
    view is a solitary framework picture of nature.

Each occurrence has a support store in its System
Global Area (SGA). Utilizing Cache Fusion, Oracle
RAC situations legitimately consolidate each
example's cushion reserve to empower the
occasions to process information as though the
information lived on a coherently joined, single
Automatic Workload Management
  • Programmed workload administration empowers you
    to deal with the appropriation of workloads to
    give ideal execution to clients and applications.
    This incorporates giving the most noteworthy
    accessibility to database associations, quick
    disappointment recuperation, and adjusting
    workloads ideally over the dynamic setup. Prophet
    Database with Oracle RAC incorporates numerous
    highlights that can improve workload
    administration, for example, association stack
    adjusting, quick association failover, the heap
    adjusting warning, and runtime association stack
    adjusting. Programmed workload administration
    gives the best advantages to Oracle RAC
    conditions. You can, be that as it may, exploit a
    portion of the highlights of programmed workload
    administration by utilizing Oracle Database
    benefits in single-case Oracle databases,
    particularly those that utilization Oracle Data
    Guard or Oracle Streams.

Programmed workload administration contains the
accompanying parts 1.High Availability
Framework   The Oracle RAC high accessibility
structure empowers Oracle Clusterware to keep up
segments in a running state consistently. Prophet
high accessibility infers that Oracle Clusterware
screens and restarts basic segments in the event
that they stop, unless you abrogate the restart
preparing. The high accessibility structure
likewise gives cautions to customers when
arrangements change. This empowers customers to
instantly respond to the progressions, empowering
application designers to conceal blackouts and
reconfigurations from end clients. The extent of
Oracle RAC high accessibility ranges from the
restarting of ceased Oracle Database forms,
including some occurrence foundation forms, to
bombing over the handling of a whole example to
other accessible cases through the movement of
2.Load Balancing Advisory   This is the
capacity of the database to give data to
applications about the present administration
levels being given by the database and its cases.
Applications can exploit this data to guide
association solicitations to the occasion that
will furnish the application ask for with the
best administration quality to finish the
application's preparing. Prophet Database has
incorporated its Java Database Connectivity
(JDBC) and Oracle Data Provider for .NET
(ODP.NET) association pools, and the OCI Session
pool to work with the heap adjusting data.
Applications can utilize the coordinated
association pools without automatic changes. All
applications accomplish association stack
adjusting through the reconciliation of the
Oracle audience with the heap adjusting warning.
3.Administrations   Group oversaw
administrations give an intense programmed
workload administration office that empowers the
endeavor framework vision. Administrations are
elements that you can characterize in Oracle RAC
databases. In a bunch, administrations empower
you to gather database workloads and course the
work to the ideal occurrences that are doled out
to process the administration. Moreover, you can
utilize administrations to characterize the
assets that Oracle Database relegates to process
workloads and to screen workload assets.
Applications that you allocate to administrations
straightforwardly gain the characterized
programmed workload administration qualities,
including high accessibility and load adjusting
rules. Numerous Oracle Database highlights are
incorporated with administrations, for example,
Resource Manager (which empowers you to limit the
assets that an administration can use inside a
case), Oracle Streams, Advanced Queuing (to
accomplish line area straightforwardness), and
Oracle Scheduler (to delineate to particular
occupation classes).
4.Association Load Balancing   Prophet Net
Services gives association stack adjusting to
database associations. Association stack
adjusting happens when the association is made.
Associations for a given administration are
adjusted over the greater part of the running
cases that offer the administration utilizing
data from the heap adjusting warning. You ought
to characterize how you need associations with be
adjusted in the administration definition. In any
case, you should even now design Oracle Net
Oracle Real Application Clusters Environments
  • Oracle RAC scales without application
    adjustments. In the event that your application
    scaled well on a solitary case Oracle database,
    at that point it will scale in an Oracle RAC
    condition. A large number of the tuning
    assignments that you would perform on a solitary
    occasion Oracle database can likewise enhance
    Oracle RAC database execution. This is
    particularly valid if your condition required
    adaptability over a more noteworthy number of

Highlights Oracle RAC
  • Dynamic Resource Allocation
  • Prophet Database powerfully designates Cache
    Fusion assets as required
  • The dynamic acing of assets enhances execution by
    keeping assets nearby to information pieces
  • Reserve Fusion Enables A Simplified Tuning
  • You don't need to tune any parameters for Cache
  • No application-level tuning is essential
  • You can utilize a base up tuning approach with
    for all intents and purposes no impact on your
    current applications
  • More Detailed Performance Statistics
  • More perspectives for Oracle RAC execution
  • Prophet Enterprise Manager Database Control and
    Grid Control are Integrated with Oracle RAC

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