Title: Eli Ortenberg - Geologist From California
1Eli Ortenberg
Environmental Specialist
2(No Transcript)
3He is an accomplished geologist and is a family
oriented person. He has a vast experience of
working with top notch organizations in his
entire working experience. He has been working as
a geologist since 2006.
4Eli Ortenberg has managed and handled a number of
projects pertinent to Phase II Environmental Site
Assessment and Site Characterization,
Construction Management, Environmental Sampling
including soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and
indoor air, Technical Report Preparation, Groundwa
ter monitoring well/network design, Soil Vapor
Extraction (SVE) well and system design and
Remedial Excavation.
5Eli Ortenberg has gained a degree in science
degree in Geology from Illinois State University.
He has previously worked openly with clients and
supervisory bodies and has examined the
historical and existing site use.
6He is also renowned for his dealings with the
clients to accomplish compliance with federal
guidelines for residential and commercial
7Eli Ortenberg has his expertise for commercial,
industrial and multi-family residential
8He is OSHA 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Operations and
Emergency Response certified, OSHA 8-Hour Site
Supervisor certified, OSHA 30-Hour Construction
Management certified and Lead Sampling Technician
9Eli Ortenberg grew up in Chicago and has worked
in California for a certain time period.