Title: CIS 534 Possible Is Everything--snaptutorial.com
1CIS 534 Possible Is Everything--snaptutorial.com
2CIS 534 Possible Is Everything--snaptutorial.com
CIS 534 Week 3 Case Study The Ethical Hacker
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Cas
e Study The Ethical Hacker Due Week 3 and worth
70 points Imagine for a moment that you are a
hacker an ethical one. You are called upon by
law enforcement based on your expertise to hack
into a network of a busin
3CIS 534 Possible Is Everything--snaptutorial.com
CIS 534 Week 4 Assignment 1 Defense in Depth
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Ass
ignment 1 Defense in Depth Due Week 4 and worth
70 points Oftentimes, the process of
implementing security opens ones eyes to other
forms of security they hadnt thought of
previously. Well, in this assignment you should
4CIS 534 Possible Is Everything--snaptutorial.com
CIS 534 Week 8 Assignment 2 Mister Network
Engineer For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Assignment 2 Mister Network Engineer Due
Week 8 and worth 70 points Using the network
diagram below, your task is to incorporate the
devices on the lower right into the diagram to
create a secure corporate network. The device
5CIS 534 Possible Is Everything--snaptutorial.com
CIS 534 Week 10 Term Paper Project Designing a
Secure Network For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Term Paper Project
Designing a Secure Network Due Week 10 and worth
190 points This term paper involves putting
6CIS 534 Possible Is Everything--snaptutorial.com