Title: 4 Tips for Effective Collaboration | Creative Universe
14 Tips for Effective Collaboration
A recent Cisco study Human behaviour and the
barriers to effective collaboration how it
affects productivity, workplace efficiency, and
business results outlined 4 key ingredients
for successful collaboration. These were all
grounded in human behaviour and included building
relationships based on trust, turning human
interactions into results, balancing
decision-making and consensus building and
evolving the workplace culture. It was
interesting to note that successful collaboration
had nothing to do with the latest technology or
the most complicated Gantt charts it was all
about the people. Teamwork is the ability to
work together toward a common vision. The ability
to direct individual accomplishments toward
organizational objectives. It is the fuel that
allows common people to attain uncommon
results. Andrew Carnegie Here are 4 tips to help
you collaborate more effectively
3Hero every voice
From the top of an organization all the way down
we need to listen to everyones ideas and allow
them to shine. Schedule regular collaboration
meetings with people across your organisation and
collectively solve a problem. Be sure to
encourage everyone to speak up (especially the
introverts) as any voice can change the world.
4Make visioning a team sport
I read this line in a wonderful Forbes article
that said Todays most successful leaders guide
their organizations not through command and
control, but through a shared purpose and
vision. I love this statement because it
encourages leaders to share the mission and
dreams of the business and allow every team
member to play a role in determining how to bring
the dreams to life.
5Create inspirational leaders
To be successful you will need to inspire those
around you to also be inspirational. Identify
your collaboration team and create a list of all
of the people, groups and organizations who have
something to gain, something to lose and
something to contribute to the issue at hand.
Connect with them and work out what they are
passionate about. Give them the tools, the
passion, and the authority to inspire.
6Collaborate regularly and evaluate.
Collaboration is something that requires regular
practice with your selected group. Then you will
start to see issues and challenges from a
different point of view and gain greater clarity.
Evaluate regularly is your collaborative
progressing? What needs to be achieved and by
when? Be clear about your outcomes with everyone
who is involved.
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