Title: WiFi Security Tips for Traveling Abroad
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2A VPN, or virtual private network, secures your
browsing activity by encrypting the traffic
between your device and the server. You can set
up a VPN for mobile devices as well as for
laptops and tablets.
3Never get onboard onto an unprotected or
unencrypted open Wi-Fi, that reads shadily like
Free Wi-Fi internet and something on the same
line, hackers can easily use it as a tool to hack
into your phones.
4You shall always make it a habit to set up a
two-time verification for all your apps and
personal accounts. You could also turn the Gmail
notifications on and that would require you to
send a mail each time an unrecognized devices
logs into your account, all of this can help you
stay away from a Wi-Fi attack.
5Each time you receive a notification to update
your antivirus software, you should follow the
prompt as soon as possible to ensure that your
computer is sufficiently protected. The longer
your computer goes without necessary updates, the
more vulnerable it becomes to potential attacks.